It's Time for Government ReformWritten by Shirley deLong
Continued from page 1 Taxpayers’ monies, to do what you ‘so-called’ managers, supervisors, and workers, were hired to do in first place makes me know there’s a problem with your arithmetic! With loss of jobs, plant closings, wages, insurance, etc. being cut, we feel all government and elected people should be getting less in their paychecks, also. It's time to eliminate all Property Taxes. It’s obvious you people cannot handle jobs we entrusted you with. As for money going into pockets of “Pet Projects”, this must be stopped! Look at Project Homestead, apartments managed by a commissioner, and many more like that all in just Guilford County, NC - think about rest of world! While I am on a roll, do elected people, politicians, city, county and state employees pay their ‘fair’ share of taxes? It’s time for all Watchdog groups to start checking on all people who are spending Taxpayers’ monies! Shirley deLong Jamestown, NC 336-454-5040
Artist, Activist, and Environmentalist. Several articles published.
| | Discrimination against Voting TaxpayersWritten by Shirley deLong
Continued from page 1 LAWS MUST BE CHANGED - "IF YOU DON'T WORK, DON'T PAY TAXES, AND LIVE OFF THE TAXPAYERS' MONIES, you should not be able to dictate to Taxpayers who are working their behinds off to support you. THIS IS AN ABOMBINATION! Call you local, state and federal officials and get laws changed.
Artist, Activist, Environmentalist. Several articles published.