It's Possible

Written by Carol Gegner

Continued from page 1

Third, do some short range planning. Create milestones to monitor your progress. Decide what you can do on a daily, weekly and monthly basis to achieve your dream. The actions you take on a continuous basis will propel you closer to your dream. You want to be takingrepparttar right actions.

Fourth, keep yourself moving forward. It’srepparttar 123026 forward motion of putting one foot in front ofrepparttar 123027 other that helps you stay on track. Avoidrepparttar 123028 pull of taking those enticing side steps. Just rememberrepparttar 123029 story ofrepparttar 123030 tortoise andrepparttar 123031 hare.

Fifth, read books or listen to tapes to inspire you. A small dose of inspiration can have a large impact on your attitude. Successful people tell us it’srepparttar 123032 space between our ears that really counts.

Sixth, hang out with people who support you in your quest. Nay sayers take a toll on your energy. You want feedback that will help you, not drain you.

Seventh, believe in yourself. One ofrepparttar 123033 biggest obstacles we all face at some point in time is self-doubt. Using positive self talk will help you conquer all those little negative messages that fill your head with self-doubt. You want to be in a positive mental zone so you can stretch to touch your dream. You’ve got to stand tall and reach high because your dream is much bigger than you are. Don’t let it slip away.

These seven steps are a blueprint you can follow to help make your dreams come true when you question what you are doing or why you are doing it. Thousands of others have turnedrepparttar 123034 ordinary intorepparttar 123035 extraordinary using this blueprint. So can you. It’s possible!

Carol Gegner is President of Executive Coaching and Consulting Systems and publishes Keys To Success, a FREE monthly ezine. She is committed "to bringing out your best." Subscribe to Keys To Success at

Unconditional Love

Written by Judi Singleton

Continued from page 1

with practice one decision at a time I am doing it. I can also say at

this point that it is not easy but it is getting easier everyday. I had to learn to love myself because I existed not because of what I

do or how I behave. I began to allow myself to be who I was not what

others expected me to be. In short I began to show warmth, caring and

concern for myself. It is always easier to overlook others faults and

forgive them for not living up to my expectations but it was harder

with myself as I am my own worst critic.

Now I am still working on these issues daily many ofrepparttar expectations I

have for myself are not rational. They are filled with perfectionism

and I will love myself when. But I am learning to love myself for just

who I am. This has cause a real change for me in my self esteem and

self worth. Because I love and approve of myself I now am able to take

full responsibility for all my actions. I can now acceptrepparttar 123025 rewards of

being me andrepparttar 123026 consquences. This feels really good. Loving yourself

unconditionally frees you to unconditionally love everyone else in

your life.

About the Author: Judi Singleton publishes To The Universe a list of

Jassmine's Journal you can join this list or any of her other lists at

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