It's All Very Good

Written by Michael D. Pollock

Continued from page 1

What does she get out of her appreciation?

Several things.

First and most apparent, she getsrepparttar financial profit.

Second, she getsrepparttar 123833 joy of expressing her creativity in reconditioningrepparttar 123834 house.

Third, she gets to connect and collaborate with other human beings who help her fix uprepparttar 123835 property.

Fourth, she getsrepparttar 123836 learning fromrepparttar 123837 whole experience, which she can use in her future endeavors.

In general, she getsrepparttar 123838 fulfillment of living a life filled with peace, freedom, joy, abundance, exuberant creativity and collaboration, which happens to be her stated Life Purpose.

All by accepting and appreciating a "dumpy house."

She could just as easily have judged that "dumpy house" as "bad" or "worthless," and thereby miss out on allrepparttar 123839 prosperity she received from accepting it.

Unlike Adam and Eve inrepparttar 123840 Garden of Eden, she chose NOT to eat from "The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil" as it relates torepparttar 123841 "dumpy house."

She chose, instead, to embrace whatrepparttar 123842 Universe offered. Further, she chose to appreciate whatrepparttar 123843 Universe offered. Finally, when she was done appreciating it, she gave it back torepparttar 123844 Universe.

My suggestion is this.

God (whatever or whoever you believe that to be) did, in fact, create everything. Every thing. And it's all very good. Everything. Even war, famine, plague, death, drugs and taxes. Allrepparttar 123845 things we tend to judge as "bad" as well as those things we tend to judge as "good."

You can continue to judge things as "good" or "bad" if you choose. You can continue to eat from "The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil." Just know that each time you do, you step out of paradise. You step out of bliss. You leaverepparttar 123846 comforting presence of God.

The other option is you can choose to embrace whateverrepparttar 123847 Universe offers and find a way to appreciate it. Make it more valuable to yourself and others. When you're done appreciating it, simply offer it back torepparttar 123848 Universe to do with what It will.

Embrace everything. Appreciate it. Give it back. Because it's all "very good."

It's Your Life! Make it Great.

Michael D. Pollock is an Executive Success Coach. He works with business leaders, managers, executives and entrepreneurs to help them make a profound impact on the world while achieving a new level of success and fulfillment in their own lives. To learn how he can help you and/or your organization, request a complimentary coaching session at:

Do You Have Expertitis?

Written by John Colanzi

Continued from page 1

Guess what, 50% of your clients will be telling everyone they know that you'rerepparttar greatest thing since sliced bread.

You're an instant expert.

Don't laugh, brokers do it everyday.

If you're serious about building a successful business and achieving financial freedom, start thinking for yourself.

Start a learning program and never stop. Takerepparttar 123832 ideas and evaluate what will work for you and what won't.

The ultimate person that determines whether you succeed or fail is you.

Start reaching your own decisions based onrepparttar 123833 knowledge available.

You arerepparttar 123834 only expert in your life that matters.

You arerepparttar 123835 captain of your fate andrepparttar 123836 master of your destiny.

Don't give that power away.

Wishing You Success, John Colanzi

John publishes the "Street Smart Marketing" newsletter. To subscribe If you'd like to see how John uses this strategy to make money visit:

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