It's All Up to You (Nobody is Coming to Save You!)

Written by Tony Davies

Continued from page 1

Science shows us that there is a gap of approximately .25 seconds between stimulus and response. Before reacting to something, it is essential that we take that fraction of a second to stop and think about what we are seeing, how we are feeling and what an appropriate response would be. Then we are in a position to make a true choice by choosing our response. In almost all cases,repparttar chosen response is different fromrepparttar 138553 reactive response.

In this way we make choices that are congruent with our own values and principles and without a doubt, over time,repparttar 138554 results will be extraordinary! We begin to feel in control, good things begin to happen and we assumerepparttar 138555 role of masters of our destiny. We feel better about ourselves and begin to manifest all ofrepparttar 138556 things that we truly want in our lives. It is at this point that we invoke Universal Law and all of our hopes and dreams become possible!

So stop playingrepparttar 138557 victim and complaining about how difficult things are. Quit blaming others for everything that is wrong in life – bosses, parents, siblings and, yes, even lousy drivers among others, make easy targets - but they are notrepparttar 138558 problem! Take charge of your feelings, responses and thinking and most of all take responsibility for your life. No one is coming to save you - only you can improve your lot in life and only through being responsible and making different choices!

Tony Davies is an expert in the areas of Personal Development and Leadership and in integrating these two, seemingly different disciplines. He has a solid business background as well as a passion, and gift, for personal development and helping others. To find out how Tony can assist you or your business, please visit his website at or call or e-mail him directly.

Other People's Opinions

Written by Charlotte Burton

Continued from page 1

So how do you stop being like that? First thing to do is to recognise when you are making these assumptions and when they are patently false, and put some kind of system in place to prevent yourself from getting caught up inrepparttar negative cycle. One useful technique isrepparttar 138530 Emotional Release technique taught inrepparttar 138531 Sedona Method where you can quicly overcomerepparttar 138532 obsessive nature that can sometimes come fromrepparttar 138533 error. Another way is to understand why you haverepparttar 138534 schemas you do and to change them: often they are out of date and are not actually helpful (as they are supposed to be). They are also linked torepparttar 138535 'gremlins' (if you're British you might knowrepparttar 138536 term fromrepparttar 138537 recent spate of adverts on TV advertising education) - but that's a future article. Fundamentally though, to overcome harmful errors, it is all about understanding when you make them and stopping them spiral out of control.

Charlotte Burton is a Licensed Career Coach & Psychometric Assessor. For more information and to sign up for the ezine, view the website at or email to request your complimentary consultation.

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