It's All About A Journey

Written by Josh Hinds

Continued from page 1
Take small, bite-sized breaks to ponder those happy memories that you've collected in your life. Then, make it a point to build new ones as well. BEING REALISTIC Let's face, though. We do "get down." I believe we need to acknowledge that reality. People will hurt or disappoint us. Our hearts will be broken. We may have to deal with a variety of losses. Unfortunately, life is not all smiles, and I believe a part of being happy means understanding and acceptingrepparttar reality of "hard times." BEWARE OF STAYING THERE TOO LONG We need to be aware of a danger inrepparttar 123246 acceptance process. Andrepparttar 123247 danger is creating our own soap operas. It is simply not healthy to review our own sad stories again and again -- like replaying a very sad day on one ofrepparttar 123248 soaps. When we dwell too long onrepparttar 123249 "sad things" we relinquish to them a power they were never meant to have:repparttar 123250 power to keep our mental controls onrepparttar 123251 same channel in our minds. I have learned that I don't want to give that kind of power to things I have no control over. Instead, I need to remind myself that I can choose happiness. IT'S NOT EASY! Deciding to move forward and choosing happiness over sorrow is a tough choice. Sometimes I feel as though I'm fighting an uphill battle -- and you will too! At times we may feel thatrepparttar 123252 dark clouds may never give way torepparttar 123253 sunshine. It is at those very moments that we have to remind ourselves ofrepparttar 123254 power we do possess. It isrepparttar 123255 power of choice. I have discovered that somewhere inrepparttar 123256 midst of whatever chaos may surround us we can... Choose happiness over despair, Hope over hopelessness, Joy over continual sadness, And a smile over a frown. SO HAVE AT IT! Practice making this choice by doing things that make you smile, as well as bring joy to others. When you share kindness it always finds its way back to you.

May your life be filled with much happiness, Josh Hinds

Written by Josh Hinds of Sign up for my ezine at Josh is also the co-founder of - which includes an abundance of self-improvement resources as well as exclusive audio interviews with leading experts in the areas of motivation and personal development.

Rainbows Always Come After The Ra

Written by Josh Hinds

Continued from page 1

Keep in mind that rainbows only come afterrepparttar rain and it is along those same lines that good things sometimes follow hardships and times of sadness. Should you find yourself in moments of doubt I encourage you to listrepparttar 123245 events and achievements in your life that you are grateful for.

Always remember that even duringrepparttar 123246 hardest of times there are lessons to be learned, and through those lessons we have an opportunity to strengthen our spirit. Never lose your sense of possibility and what life has in store for you... Yours in success, Josh Hinds

Written by Josh Hinds of Sign up for my ezine at Josh is also the co-founder of - which includes an abundance of self-improvement resources as well as exclusive audio interviews with leading experts in the areas of motivation and personal development.

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