It's A Date!

Written by Carole Lipati

Continued from page 1

Be Tourists For A Day Most of us live near attractions that people travel miles to see and we've never takenrepparttar time to visit them ourselves. Historical monuments, zoos and state parks are just a few ofrepparttar 132570 possibilities and great places to meet. These attractions offer plenty of things to talk about in case of a lull inrepparttar 132571 conversation and you can even pick up a souvenier of a memorable first date.

Visit A Museum Art, Natural History, Model Trains, pick a subject and chances are there's a museum dedicated to it. If you and your date have a common interest (or both of you want to see something new), visit a museum together and enjoyrepparttar 132572 exhibits. Many museums also offer special shows, presentations and lectures that can provide a unique first date experience.

Go Fly A Kite It's just as much fun as you remember it was when you were a kid and if you pick a good windy place likerepparttar 132573 beach or lakefront, it can be an adventure for you and your date to share. Whether store-bought, homemade or assembled from a kit, kite flying is a great way to spend an afternoon together.

A Bit Of The Grape Wine tastings are hosted in almost every geographic area and can be a fun (and decidedly upscale) first date experience. You can find updated calendars of these events for your city (complete with cost information) at

Carole is the owner of The Virtual Playground For Singles ( an interactive online community providing just-for-singles resources since 1996.

Making Contact

Written by Carole Lipari

Continued from page 1

Include A Recent Photograph If Possible Especially ifrepparttar website or personal ad you're responding to included a picture, it's only fair that you send one with your initial response. Not only does sending your photo make your letter more personal, it also eliminates any potential fantasy build-up onrepparttar 132567 part of your new acquaintance. We all want people to say, "You're attractive!" not "I thought you would be better looking," right?

Ask Questions The one-sided conversation that develops when trading e-mails can be difficult. Most people have a hard time talking about themselves without being given a starting point. The initial contact that says, "Here's some stuff about me. If you're interested write back" can be a very challenging letter to answer. Everyone who is usingrepparttar 132568 Internet as a tool for meeting prospective friends and dates is not only willing to answer questions about themselves but wants to. It'srepparttar 132569 way to see if you might be compatible. Make it fun and easy to write back to you and chances are you'll get a response.

Be Safe The Internet provides great ways to find other singles to communicate with. It also provides great ways to communicate safely. Never give out your telephone number or other traceable information in a first e-mail. If trading e-mails is too impersonal for your tastes, suggest one ofrepparttar 132570 many free chat programs available (ICQ, Yahoo Messenger) or arrange to meet in a public chat. You can takerepparttar 132571 time to get to know someone online until you feel comfortable moving torepparttar 132572 next level. Of course when and if you do decide to meet someone inrepparttar 132573 "real world," always keep your personal safety in mind.

Carole is the owner of The Virtual Playground For Singles ( an interactive online community providing just-for-singles resources since 1996.

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