Is work still necessary?

Written by John Watson

Continued from page 1

•Speakers who promote business opportunities sometimes giverepparttar impression that making money is easy. It may be easy for them after years of experience but it is not easy for beginners who soon run into what seem to be major roadblocks and not all experts are keen to help oncerepparttar 122923 seminar is over. They have their own lives and projects to get on with.

•Modern culture encouragesrepparttar 122924 belief in easy solutions. You want a meal? No problem. Five minutes inrepparttar 122925 microwave is enough. No need for any drudgery like peeling potatoes and putting joints inrepparttar 122926 oven.

•People get used to instant solutions and shortcuts. The idea of steady, patient work becomes less fashionable.

•Abundance teaching is partly to blame for people thinking they can get rich without work. People are taught that if they visualise themselves in a mansion with their favourite cars etc, these things will materialise.

•I believe that abundance thinking does help achieve dreams but it can make people think that only a little work is necessary. The universe will take care of it. Butrepparttar 122927 universe usually works when you do. God helps those who help themselves.

Michael Angier teaches that you are a successrepparttar 122928 moment you take action toward a worthy objective.

Action isrepparttar 122929 key word here. Humans can think and/or can take action. Some people only think and some people only act. We need both. Evenrepparttar 122930 spiritual life demands real, down to earth action. The Bible stressesrepparttar 122931 importance of what people think and believe but also teaches that 'faith without works' is dead.

Clint Eastwood asrepparttar 122932 gun toting preacher inrepparttar 122933 film 'Pale Rider' offers to help break up a rock for his host. He is invited to do something more 'spiritual'. He comments:

"Spirit ain't worth spit without a little exercise. There's plain few problems cain't be solved with a little sweat and hard work."

Work is one of those values which should become fashionable again. Work is necessary. Without work and action we will achieve nothing. Even when we are doing a job we enjoy, some boring drudgery is necessary.

Atrepparttar 122934 moment my 'job' is being a writer and info publisher. I love some of this work but I hate logging on to websites. Logging on is boring work. You have to find your user name and password. I have sometimes forgotten both and then need to wait for an email to tell me what my password is or have to get into my password software to find out. This usually involves remembering or looking up another password!

Sometimes you find thatrepparttar 122935 owner ofrepparttar 122936 website you are trying to reach has gone out of business or has turnedrepparttar 122937 site into a membership site where you have to pay yet another monthly fee to accessrepparttar 122938 stuff inside it. The owner may even have no record that you joined his site and you then have to find receipts etc. from years back.

You also have to keep track of how many membership sites you belong to and which credit cards you used to pay your initial and recurring membership fees. If you decide to cancel your membership, you then have to spend time finding out or rediscovering how you do this.

We just have to acceptrepparttar 122939 fact that some drudgery and boring work is necessary in everything we do. Let's not waste time moaning about it. It is part ofrepparttar 122940 reality ofrepparttar 122941 universe just like cleaning our teeth and visitingrepparttar 122942 dentist.

If we have this attitude of just getting on with it, we will achieve more and succeed much more quickly than we thought possible. We can then sit back, for a while at least, and enjoyrepparttar 122943 sunshine or, in my case,repparttar 122944 rain.

I do not mean by this that all we get inrepparttar 122945 UK is rain. Atrepparttar 122946 moment we are, in my opinion, getting too much sunshine and humidity. I preferrepparttar 122947 rain andrepparttar 122948 wind andrepparttar 122949 cold! It is much more motivating!

Of course, it is important to work on high priority tasks. We need to decide which tasks are most productive and then get on with those. If we do not do this we can spend hours working and achieving nothing much.

After hours of work on trivial tasks we will feel little satisfaction. After hours of work on key tasks we will begin to feelrepparttar 122950 excitement and enthusiasm that goes with achievement.

Marketing is a key task that many business men and women find boring. They would prefer to spend time improvingrepparttar 122951 products they are selling. However,repparttar 122952 excitement of making sales can soon make up for any boredom involved and good marketing is oftenrepparttar 122953 natural expression ofrepparttar 122954 enthusiasm felt for a great product.

Work, then, is still necessary. It can be boring and frustrating but it can also lead on torepparttar 122955 excitement and adventure of success.

John Watson is an info publisher on the internet and a martial arts school owner. He taught religious studies and life skills to teenagers in London schools for about 33 years before retiring in 2000 A.D. His own e-books and those of the English multimillionaire, Stuart Goldsmith, can be found on his site at

"Like A One-Eyed Cat Peeping In A Seafood Store"

Written by Dean Phillips

Continued from page 1

It's also no secret that Michael practiced longer and harder than just about anyone else inrepparttar NBA--but that automatically comes with being focused. When you're totally focused on your goal, you do whatever you have to do to succeed.

Now after reading this article, I'm sure many of you are wondering, how do you go about getting properly focused for success?

The very first thing I recommend is a complete re- programming of your mind. Because before you can start walking down that road to success, you first have to get your mind right.

In that regard, there are two books I consider absolute MUST reads, if you are at all serious about being successful in whatever it is you choose to do.

The books are, "Think and Grow Rich" by Napolean Hill and "The Magic of Thinking Big" by Dr. David Schwartz.

Your local bookstore or library should have both books, since they're all-time classics. If not, try But whatever you do, get those books!

And remember, "Any success you achieve will be in direct proportion to your focus. The more focused you are,repparttar 122922 greater will be your success!"

Dean Phillips is an Internet marketing expert, writer, publisher and entrepreneur. Questions? Comments? Dean can be reached at mailto:

Visit his website at:

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