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F. Licensing issues. Some inventions require research into existing licenses and also
obtaining of licenses.
G. Proposing to companies and approaching companies for promotion of
final product. The correct methods of approaching interested businesses and investors.
H. Royalties and advance payment options. Without knowledge of these issues, investors may very well lose money in
long run.
I. Checking existing patents, trademarks and copyrights. No sense inventing something already protected by another.
As with any other type of business (and inventing something is, overall, a "business venture"), much work needs to be done, before, during and after
process of invention. Everything from correct market research, to correct patent processes, trademark and copyright information much be established, and successful inventors proceed slowly and carefully during each stage of
invention process. Also, successful inventors are very determined and patient. Many failures usually occur with each product before an "invention success" take place, so having an easy going, dedicated personality is necessary as well.
Although tons of books and other materials exist on
proper procedures to follow, a future inventor can also save money on materials, and save time by visiting
United States government sites specifically set up for
needs of inventors and creators of products/services. These sites are:
The United States Patent and Trademark Office: The United States Copyright Office:
If you prefer to buy a book or report on how to successfully bring an invention to market, a simple search online will reveal literally hundreds of such materials.
As with any business venture, future inventors that are knowledgeable and armed with
"tools" necessary for successful invention, do their "invention homework", and back up their efforts with
funds needed, will more often than not produce an invention that works, is needed, and best of all, "sells". After all, what better reward than
knowledge that consumers were so thrilled with an invention that they would gladly pay for it???

Vishal P. Rao is the owner of - One of Internet's leading website dedicated to starting, managing and marketing a home based business.