Is it Perfunctory of Desultory? It Pays to Know the Difference.

Written by Susan Dunn, MA Psychology, Coach

Continued from page 1


No direction vs. No enthusiasm

Lack of leadership vs. Lack of supervision

Unclear goals vs. No motivation

Lack of clarity vs. Lack of energy


Albert approachrepparttar task in a perfunctory manner, answeringrepparttar 104494 phone onrepparttar 104495 4th or 5th ring at all, giving information reluctantly, and switching people torepparttar 104496 wrong extension quite often.

The marketing department was desultory sincerepparttar 104497 firing of their favorite manager. They weren't able to getrepparttar 104498 picture and didn't have adequate direction so, while they did their tasks well, they weren't making quotas and sales were falling far behind.

Key Point

A person can do a perfunctory job at a particular task and still be invested inrepparttar 104499 goal and project. If they are desultory, they aren't gettingrepparttar 104500 whole picture at all, and likely to be perfunctory about everything, aimless and unmotivated. Any one can have an off day, but if desultory, every day is an off day.


It's important not to mistake temporary lack of enthusiasm for an atmosphere where no one knows what they're doing.

Emotions motivate us and it’s important to understandrepparttar 104501 emotions of others, and how to manage them. In order to do this, first you must understand your own emotions and be able to manage them. This is what Emotional Intelligence is all about.

©Susan Dunn, MA Psychology, Emotional Intelligence Coach, . Coaching, Internet courses and ebooks for your personal and professional development. for FREE ezine.

The Fastest Way to Ruin Yourself

Written by Dr. Freddy Davis

Continued from page 1
The same problem is all too common inrepparttar workplace. When a boss or supervisor tries to micro manage a person torepparttar 104493 point of controlling every little action, it creates rebellion. The person will try to sabotagerepparttar 104494 authority figure, or will quit. This putsrepparttar 104495 one who is trying to be in control in a position of always struggling to keeprepparttar 104496 other person in their place. After a point, fatigue sets in and things begin to spiral out of control. Here isrepparttar 104497 problem. The nature of human beings is such that each person hasrepparttar 104498 ability andrepparttar 104499 internal drive to exercise their own free will. People will go to almost any extreme to accomplish it. Families have been destroyed, companies have been bankrupted, and wars have been fought, all inrepparttar 104500 name of achieving freedom. Why not take a different approach. Instead of trying to control people, simply definerepparttar 104501 parameters that need to exist forrepparttar 104502 organization to run smoothly, and allow people to make their own way within those limits. Instead of generating rebellion, this will make a person feel appreciated and respected. It will make them appreciate and respect you, in return. If you want things to be different in your life, then don’t look to see how you can go about changing others. Look for ways to change yourself. You simply can’t go inside of another person’s head and change them. Try and you will destroy yourself. But you can do things to change yourself. Then, instead of ruin, you will findrepparttar 104503 growth and fulfillment you are looking for.

Dr. Freddy Davis is the owner of TSM Enterprises and conducts conferences, seminars and organizational training for executives, managers and sales professionals to help develop greater effectiveness and productivity. He is the author of the book Supercharged! as well as the Nutshell Series of books for strengthening business. You can visit the TSM website at, or you can contact Freddy directly at 888-883-0656 or

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