Continued from page 1
Financial Realities:
>Cash Reserves: I have little cash reserves and manage to stay afloat.There are times when I have it and times I do not. I need to keep my telephone, Internet Service Provider, and website paid to date.They are my top priorities and advertising is a must.
>Retirement Planning: Definitely a must, IRA's work and so do 401k plans and savings accounts. Examine
>Health Insurance: You definitely need to find some coverage. I am covered under my husband's plan for now.
>Vacation: No Pay...Yep, that's right! Be prepared before you schedule a vacation. It's Christmas Day and I am writing an article at 3 am.!
Situation Realities:
>Hard Work-Long Hours: It must be nice to work at home! many times have I heard that? Too Many! I am sick of home! I still spend on average, eight hours a day on my computer as compared to twelve-fifteen in
beginning. A kind word of warning, take breaks's tough to move after a few hours at
computer. Health problems will develop if you sit too long. Also remember to get enough sleep, a must!
>Interruptions: Plenty of them. Not only from
kids and spouse, but
dogs and cat and phone and door and everything in between.This requires concentration above all...stay focused on whatever it is you are doing.
>Distractions: Alot like interruptions..but last longer usually. I learned to do those household tasks along side
business tasks. This may not work for you. I find it serves as a break in monotony and refreshes your mind. In fact, I do several tasks throughout
day and keep my computer booted.
>Isolation and Loneliness: In addition to Elena's ideas, often a trip to a friend's house or a walk may cure
blues. Another tip is to play music in
background as you work.
Make 2002
year for your home business startup or not...
I will move forward in my business even though my first year was a bit scary at times. I have overcome
scary part and learned to deal with ups and downs, good times and bad, and unsuspected wrong turns. But overall my business has proved to be successful through
first year and "Yes", I did make money. Enough to pay some of my bills, but it was an improvement and that's why I continue to work at home.

Donna Sweat Publisher/Editor Dee's Helpful Info.Newsletter Endless Mts Home Business