Is Your Site in the Google Sandbox

Written by Jeannette Balleza

Continued from page 1

If a new web site has strong, relevant content, abundant incoming links, favorable search results for secondary keyword phrases and yet does not appear forrepparttar most important searches, then it has probably been earmarked to do its obligatory Sandbox time. Time inrepparttar 149880 Sandbox can range from one to six months, butrepparttar 149881 average duration is three to four months.

A site's duration inrepparttar 149882 Sandbox is directly proportionate torepparttar 149883 competitiveness ofrepparttar 149884 keywords and key phrases it targets. The more competitiverepparttar 149885 site's search terms,repparttar 149886 longerrepparttar 149887 site stays buried inrepparttar 149888 Sandbox.

While time isrepparttar 149889 only real solution to getting out ofrepparttar 149890 Sandbox, Hurlbert offers some helpful tips for makingrepparttar 149891 best out ofrepparttar 149892 unavoidable:

1. Register a domain, set up hosting and publish a web site prior to official launch time to startrepparttar 149893 clock ticking onrepparttar 149894 Sandbox duration period 2. Continue to add as many incoming links as possible 3. Keep building relevant content to your site 4. Consider buying an already existing domain

Hurlbert claims that proper time management can help a site avoidrepparttar 149895 Sandbox altogether. Even if you're not ready to build a web site just yet, procure a domain name and put up a splash page atrepparttar 149896 very least.

Contact to get started today and avoidrepparttar 149897 Sandbox. Your widget sales just might skyrocket.

Read Hurlbert's entire blog entry onrepparttar 149898 Sandbox here: Send your comments or questions to

Jeannette Balleza is Co-Owner of Vulcan Creative, a creative agency specializing in identity with integrity. Vulcan Creative consults with clients on communication strategy and concept development and refinement for graphic design and web site development projects. Go to for more information and to request a free initial consultation.

Google PageRank Update Analysis

Written by Dave Davies

Continued from page 1

Separate fromrepparttar number of links you have is their value. This appears to be an area of significant change in this update. Areas that appear to have reduced value in regards to affecting PageRank are:

  1. Multiple links fromrepparttar 149831 same site or run-of-site links Intelligent and relevant reciprocal links do not seem to have been penalized, probably due torepparttar 149832 increased relevancy factor. If you reducerepparttar 149833 value of irrelevant links and raiserepparttar 149834 value of relevant ones then there is no need to penalize reciprocal links as, done incorrectly, they will penalize themselves.
  2. Links with text around them that indicate they are purchased such as "Partners", "Advertising", etc. Google has and is actively trying to reducerepparttar 149835 value of paid links. This appears to have been moderately successful where there is clear indication thatrepparttar 149836 link is paid for.
  3. Links from sites that hold little relevancy (this factor is based on educated speculation) The relevancy factor appears to have become more important. Links from sites with content related to yours is showing positive results while sites with larger numbers of less relevant links are showing drops in PageRank.

What Does This Mean?

For those of you who have been proactive in your link building, and focused on relevant sites usingrepparttar 149837 Google Directory, searches or a tool like PR Prowler it means, "stayrepparttar 149838 course". Those of you who have been building or buying links based only on PageRank with little concern for it's location, or how it is presented - you will need to adjust your link building efforts accordingly.

What Do I Do - My PageRank Dropped ?!!?

The first thing not to do is panic. Take a deep breath, PageRank is one factor of dozens that Google uses to determinerepparttar 149839 ranking of your page, it is notrepparttar 149840 only thing. Now, visit your main competitors sites - there's a good chance you'll see that they too dropped in PageRank. The plus side to these kinds of updates is that they're universal. It's not as if Google has it in for you specifically and so when they do an update,repparttar 149841 positive and negative impact is felt by all.

Now, if you've noticed that everyone around you has stayedrepparttar 149842 same or increased in PageRank try to remember this, there's nothing you can do about where you're currently positioned in regards to PageRank and it will probably be another 3 months before Google updatesrepparttar 149843 public PageRank again so ... start building some good quality (high relevancy, solid PageRank) links, work towards and increase inrepparttar 149844 next update.

Panicking now won't help, intelligent reaction will.

What Happens Now?

Traditionallyrepparttar 149845 search engine results will begin to fluctuate based onrepparttar 149846 new visible PageRank 3 to 7 days after they are visible. This does not have to berepparttar 149847 case as Google's had these numbers all along but it's worked this way inrepparttar 149848 majority of cases in recent history. So monitor your search engine positions overrepparttar 149849 next week or two and watch for changes. Try to hold back on making major changes to your site during this time as oftenrepparttar 149850 final positions will differ from those that can be viewed duringrepparttar 149851 shuffling. In a couple weeks time evaluate where you stand and tweak your site as necessary but don't spend too much time on that ... you have a solid link building effort to undertake.

Dave Davies is the CEO of Beanstalk Search Engine Positioning. He has been optimizing and ranking websites for over four years and has a solid history of success. Beanstalk is happy to offer guaranteed SEO services to its clients.

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