Is Your Company Safe From Attack?

Written by Arthur Cooper

Continued from page 1

3. Think aboutrepparttar consequences of an attack on your company.

Could it takerepparttar 103827 strain financially? Would it knock your company back to a damaging degree? At what point wouldrepparttar 103828 very survival ofrepparttar 103829 company be put into question? Would your company’s reputation suffer irretrievably? (Reputations are very easily damaged, which is why banks seldom admit torepparttar 103830 fraud they suffer).

4. Decide on a plan of action to counterrepparttar 103831 threat.

This could mean a full security review of all your procedures. This could mean checking againrepparttar 103832 background of your employees. This could mean cutting down on temporary staff. This could mean taking out insurance to protect againstrepparttar 103833 greatest threats.

5. Put your plan into action.

It is no good carrying out a review if you don’t act upon it. Don’t just take note and put it to one side. Once you have weighed uprepparttar 103834 risks and decided what must be done, do it.

The law of averages is against you. Sooner or later someone within your company will try to cheat you. You may be lucky. It may be a small insignificant attack. But you may be unlucky. It may berepparttar 103835 big one. Be vigilant, be ready, be prepared.

Arthur Cooper is a business consultant, writer and publisher. For business articles ebooks and courses, go to: For more of his original articles go to:

Carol Brady Shops At My Store.

Written by Patrick Lumbroso

Continued from page 1

To begin with, Paul and Richie explained to me that they had both done some basic research as to which groups of consumers made uprepparttar store's most common customers.

Paul explained, "We've got a simple system. In essence, this store has basically three types of buyers: Computer nerds, small business owners and a group fondly known asrepparttar 103826 "Carol Bradys" .

Each ofrepparttar 103827 three groups required different approaches when it came to selling them computers. A solid understanding as torepparttar 103828 unique needs, concerns, and desires of each customer group is essential. By doing so, both were able to understand in intimate detail what motivates each customer when it comes to making a purchase decision.

For example, Carol Brady's are essentially mothers that come intorepparttar 103829 store wanting to buy computers for their children that are at school. Paul explained that there was no point in discussingrepparttar 103830 technical features of each computer with these women. "It just confuses them; makes them feel anxious and ultimately, frightens them away".

"Most Carol's have little or no understanding of computer jargon and they basically are only interested in two things:

Given thatrepparttar 103831 family budget is extremely tight, will I be able to afford to buy this computer?

If I buy this computer for my little boy Johnny, will it make him smart enough to pass all of his exams and get into university?". "So long as we can show them how they can affordrepparttar 103832 computer on a family budget as well as being able tell them a few "success" stories of how other people's children used these computers to become doctors and lawyers etc, most Carol's will buy.

The computer nerds onrepparttar 103833 other hand don't care so much about price as dorepparttar 103834 Carol's . They want features. They want speed, cutting edge technologies,repparttar 103835 latest and best. that's what they want, that's what we give them. Business owners want reliability and to a lesser degree, technological longevity. Price is important, but not as much as important as knowing that your computers are going to be reliable.

When I asked Paul and Richie what made them so much more successful than all ofrepparttar 103836 other sales people combined, Paul and Richie were unanimous. "We haverepparttar 103837 best systems. The other guys have none. That's'repparttar 103838 difference".

And you thought it was great breeding!

For over seventeen years, Patrick Lumbroso has worked with, and advised businesses both large and small throughout the world. During this time, he has developed a reputation as being an "Enterprise Alchemist" with many clients relying upon him for guidance, inspiration, and ultimately… results. He can be contacted at or you can visit his website,

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