Is Your Attitude Destroying Your Health?

Written by Michael Hrenko

Continued from page 1

Almost nobody chooses or decides to be optimistic. The decision is halfrepparttar battle.

Let's take for example,repparttar 113669 idea of dealing with relationships and people. If you choose to see others as loving, emotional people who all want to be loved you will find no reason to get jealous, or develop hatred because someone is different or "better" than you. I choose to look at all people in a loving way and it has allowed me to have no fear of anyone, helped my ability to work others and develop relationships.

Now I could have chosen to think all people were selfish, greedy, and found ways to hate others just as easily. But can you think of one good thing that would ever come out of hating another human being?

Step 2 - Learn what other successful people have done.

Read stories about how others have persevered in circumstances much worse than many of have ever seen. After you read enough you will realize that if they can do it you can too.

I also recommend reading about topics you are interested. Specialized topics like improving leadership skills, creating a mail order business, how to be a better parent, or anything. By learning more ways that things can be done your confidence will rise immensely.

Step 3 - Take ACTION by asking yourself "how can I improve my life". If you take no action you will get no results - period. Action can be as simple as a single thought. Start thinking about what you've always dreamed about doing but never tried or thought possible. Start asking yourself how it can be accomplished and constantly think of possible solutions.

Don't kid yourself, most of us aren't successful because we have not asked "how can I do this" enough times and have not made a decision to take action. If you ask yourself how over and over you will come up with a solution. That isrepparttar 113670 technique I used to overcome psoriasis. I asked myself at least 50,000 times "how can I beat this disease which controls my life?" and I came up with many ideas. Most did not work but I eventually found a combination that changed my life forever.

Don't get caught up in super-human efforts but rather look for smaller, incremental improvements that you can do day after day. Action isrepparttar 113671 key that will increase your confidence.

Does this seem too simple? It should because it's very simple. However,repparttar 113672 difficult thing is makingrepparttar 113673 decision to haverepparttar 113674 discipline to persevere. Take is from Lance Armstrong:

"To winrepparttar 113675 Tour I had to be willing to ride when no one else would ride."

Michael Hrenko is the founder of ePsoriasis, LLC. The company specializes in teaching how he and others have overcome psoriasis and eczema without a doctor, prescriptions, expensive treatments, and difficult fasting diets. Claim your free copy of The Lazy Person's Guide to Beating Psoriasis at as a one-time-only promotion. (c) Copyright 2005, ePsoriasis, LLC

Choosing The Hair Color That Is Right For You

Written by Marquetta Breslin

Continued from page 1

Progressive dye is another category of hair color. The more often you use them,repparttar more color it deposits. You need to be careful in using progressive dye, as some of them use lead and other toxic metals.

Permanent hair colors contain various ingredients. Some use natural ingredients, while some may use many chemicals and concentrations of oxidative dyes. Chemicals like ammonia and monoethanolamine are very common in permanent hair colors. Monoethanolamine color is good for you if your hair is porous and fades quickly. Ammonia can make some colors extremely conditioning depending onrepparttar 113668 other ingredients present inrepparttar 113669 color.

It is necessary to have an understanding ofrepparttar 113670 ingredients in a particular hair color before you start using it. Most hair colors contain certain chemicals that may cause several problems such as hair loss, itchy scalp, flaking scalp, rashes and nausea. Such chemicals include various synthetic and toxic or allergenic ingredients. Have a careful look atrepparttar 113671 labels before you pick up a color.

My name is Marquetta Breslin and I'm a professional hair braider with over 12 years of experiance. I own where I sell intructional hair braiding and weave DVDs teaching the world how to braid and weave.

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