Is Mothering Wearing You Out?

Written by Margaret Paul, Ph.D.

Continued from page 1

It was at this point that I began to develop a strong spiritual connection, and Spirit eventually guided me toward a self-healing process which we now call Inner Bonding. (For a free Inner Bonding course, see It was through practicingrepparttar six steps of this powerful process that I was able to start taking care of myself while I was working and taking care of my family, and my health gradually returned.

I had always had enormous compassion for others but generally lacked compassion for myself. My challenge was to turn my eyes inward to my own feelings and needs instead of always being tuned in just to others’ feelings and needs. I needed to learn to treat myself as well as I treated others. I needed to learn to stand up for myself when my family demanded that I take care of them torepparttar 111252 detriment of myself. I needed to learn to haverepparttar 111253 courage to withstand their anger when I didn’t do just what they wanted me to do. I needed to learn to stand in my truth regarding what was loving to myself and others instead of trying to control their love with my compliance. It’s been a long and sometimes painful road, but one with great rewards.

In a session with Renee, one of my clients, she told me that she was struggling with this same issue. She was exhausted most ofrepparttar 111254 time, and often felt depressed. She told me of a recent incident that had happened with her nine-year old daughter, Sarah. Renee had told Sarah that she wanted to watch a particular TV program at 8:00 that night, so Renee wanted to make sure that Sarah didn’t need anything from her after 8:00. When 8:00 came around after Renee had been spending time with Sarah, Renee said she was going to watch her TV program. Sarah said, “Mom, sorepparttar 111255 TV program is more important than I am.” Renee got confused by this, bought intorepparttar 111256 guilt, and gave into Sarah, thereby enabling Sarah’s already strong entitlement issues. Then Renee felt even more exhausted and depressed.

What Renee needed to say to Sarah was, “Honey, it is you who is being selfish in not caring about what is important to me and just wanting me to do what you want. I need you to care about me like I care about you.” Then she needed to watch her program, thus taking care of herself and atrepparttar 111257 same time role-modeling personal responsibility rather than enabling Sarah’s entitlement issue by giving herself up.

Learning to take care of ourselves is essential for our own health andrepparttar 111258 health of our family.

Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is the best-selling author and co-author of eight books, including "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?", "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By My Kids?", "Healing Your Aloneness","Inner Bonding", and "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By God?" Visit her web site for a FREE Inner Bonding course: or

Bread machines and bread makers for every Kitchen!

Written by Curtis Miller

Continued from page 1

Bread machines with a view window allows one to monitorrepparttar bread baking without raisingrepparttar 111251 lid, saving energy and time. Make surerepparttar 111252 loaf pan is non-stick coated for easy cleaning. Most bread makers today come with non-stick loaf pans but there are a few that still don't. Another great feature to have isrepparttar 111253 additional ingredients beeper, which comes in handy for adding fruit and more thru outrepparttar 111254 bread cycle.

Whether for once a week bread making to everyday userepparttar 111255 bread machine has become a part ofrepparttar 111256 modern kitchen. Make sure you compare different models online to findrepparttar 111257 perfect one for your family.

Curtis Miller is a successful author and publisher of Your source for quality items for your kitchen.

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