Is Cold Calling Dead?

Written by Frank J. Rumbauskas, Jr.

Continued from page 1

Where isrepparttar good news in all of this? Well,repparttar 127089 great news is that if you begin using new, innovative, "Information Age" methods for prospecting, you'll be miles ahead of your competitors who are wasting their time annoying people with cold calls. In this age ofrepparttar 127090 Internet and vast communication networks, why on earth would anyone knock on doors or make cold phone calls to look for business?

Think ofrepparttar 127091 power at your fingertips: there are literally dozens of ways to userepparttar 127092 Web and e-mail to letrepparttar 127093 idea of Permission Marketing do its magic. Allow customers to raise their hands and let you know they're interested. Begin finding, implementing and reapingrepparttar 127094 benefits of this bold, new Information Age we are in. Your competitors will berepparttar 127095 ones standing in bankruptcy court and explaining their "do-not-call" violations torepparttar 127096 government while you are happily taking orders.

Frank Rumbauskas is the author of Cold Calling Is A Waste Of Time: Sales Success In The Information Age. He is the founder of FJR Advisors, LLC, which publishes training materials that educate salespeople on how to generate business without cold calling. For more information, please visit

Why Cold Calling Is Dead

Written by Frank J. Rumbauskas, Jr.

Continued from page 1

Withrepparttar business world in its present state, I really don't see how salespeople can afford to keep fooling away their time on old ideas that were once right but are now fatally wrong. It is this very feature of capitalism that is causing salespeople, managers and organizations to fail in record numbers. Capitalism is essentially "creative destruction." In other words, capitalism is a perpetual cycle of destroying old, less-efficient businesses and ideas and replacing them with new, more efficient ones. People and companies are clinging to old, obsolete ideas and are being dragged down to failure by them. Yet they still won't let go. I thinkrepparttar 127088 reason they can't let go is simply because it wasn't all that long ago that they really did haverepparttar 127089 right answers. It reminds me of a story I once heard about Albert Einstein when he was a professor. One of his student assistants who was preparing for an incoming class said, "Professor Einstein, what test are we giving them?" To which Einstein replied, "The same test we gave them last week." Bewildered,repparttar 127090 student assistant replied, "But Professor Einstein, we already gave that test." Einstein simply said, "Yes, butrepparttar 127091 answers are different this week."

The bottom line is thatrepparttar 127092 answers are different. The rules have changed. Time is running out for those who do not adapt torepparttar 127093 new rules. As Napoleon Hill put it so well, "Whenever a nation, a business institution, or an individual ceases to change and settles into a rut of routine habits, some mysterious power enters and smashesrepparttar 127094 setup, breaks uprepparttar 127095 old habits, and laysrepparttar 127096 foundation for new and better habits."

If you're not achievingrepparttar 127097 sales success you desire, perhaps it is time for you to layrepparttar 127098 foundation for new and better habits.

Frank Rumbauskas is the author of Cold Calling Is A Waste Of Time: Sales Success In The Information Age. He is the founder of FJR Advisors, LLC, which publishes training materials that educate salespeople on how to generate business without cold calling. For more information, please visit

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