Irish History , Irish Politics ...Written by Sharon O Suillibhan
Continued from page 1 , 'happenings' , tragedies , events etc which we Irish have suffered and lived through are recorded in a 'weblog' , which I help to run . If you share interest in our history - please have a read of 'blog' . Sharon , Dublin .
Dublin born (and reared!) : am over 21 years of age (!) and am politically active within Irish Republican circles .
| | MORAL ARMOR'S Counterfeit 911: Refuting Michael MooreWritten by Ronald E. Springer
Continued from page 1
Con #6. American forces are running amok, targeting innocent civilians. In The Art of War, Sun Tzu says to attack heart of your enemy. Who has Moore attacked? Whose heart is he after? Did he show you crippled and burned Americans still struggling to survive after September 11th? No, he showed you Iraqi casualties. All sides have casualties in war, and a movie maker will favor those of like ideology. Whose side are you on Michael? How many heads have we cut off? Such barbarism only strengthens our resolve to win. Near end, Moore meekly agrees that "America is a great country." Still, you can't help but get a strong anti-American feeling from film. It's him telling rest of us that our world is a sham, our freedom is a lie, and that this dilemma is our own fault. Of course, he fails to mention that we wiped out two dictatorships with a wartime loss amounting to only one-third casualties they caused us in New York, and we are now paving way for their most productive citizens to thrive in a civil world community. The aggregate result will be a release of pent up energy of people--an Iraqi industrial revolution and a world benefit--new pipelines, skyscrapers and personal freedoms. It's irresponsible to watch such a movie and draw conclusions based solely on its contents. It is not honest to isolate three aspects of an issue when there are six to consider. Shame on you, Mr. Moore! Summation and Solution. The Koran states that anyone who is not Muslim is enemy, to be chopped, hacked and slaughtered, plain and simple. There is no room for misinterpretation, and no constructive reasoning with such insanity. Allegiance to life must come before religious or political ideas, and such ideas must be based on furtherance of biological life of a man; otherwise, they are wrong. To oppressed citizens of world I say, as a free country, America offers a simple institutional structure--no dogmatic requirements; we're all free to believe what we want--but if you limit or harm others, you're freedom will be taken in turn. The old days are gone--the monarchies, dictatorships, communal nightmares--with room only for civility between men into future. All must respect human institutions whose fundamental guideline is preservation of individual life, by outlawing initiation of force against others. So conform, and live. It is obligation of philosophy to provide a constructive course of action in individual, social, artistic and institutional realms--the full range of human action. Moral Armor does just that, providing first fully-integrated non-sectarian moral code, and it is based on nature of Man. No other style of moral code has even a chance to win over there. The campaign in Iraq was not a new development. Iraq has been a thorn in world's side ever since Gulf War when Hussein should have been deposed, and it's too late to turn back now. Terrorist dogma thrives on fresh martyrs; we need a strong leader who will see this through, and our President will. Unfortunately, when one side won't listen to reason, you have to fight, so let's get it over with. (In time it took to read this, President Bush had reacted to 9/11).
Ronald E. Springer is the Author/Philosopher of Moral Armor, the world's first fully-integrated moral philosophy based on the nature of Man. Featured on The Mitch Albom Show, NBC and FOX News radio affiliates, Mr. Springer is available for interviews, speaking engagements, philosophy workshops and seminars. Please contact or visit for details.