Invest In More Than Business Opportunities

Written by Jeff Mulligan

Continued from page 1

My point is this: Don't be afraid to invest in yourself. If you feel lacking in a particular area, scout out for reputable resources, books, courses etc that will fill in that gap in your knowledge. Buyrepparttar course, readrepparttar 120116 material and put it into action.

And if it stinks, or it is too advanced or too simplistic - ask for a refund. You have every right to do so. Don't be shy. You deserve quality.

I don't know a single successful netrepreneur that hasn't made some purchases he or she regrets. That's life. But it also seems thatrepparttar 120117 successful ones never stop investing in themselves, through courses, seminars and ebooks.

Resource Box: Jeff Mulligan, a 20-year marketing veteran, owns CBmall which provides 15 ways to earn income on thousands of top-selling ClickBank InfoProducts by promoting one URL. Features the unique ClickBank Cash Search Engine.

How to make more sales before Christmas

Written by Anna-Marie Stewart

Continued from page 1

At times, I buy small wholesale lots on Ebay. One of my favourite items to buy happens to be belly bars (they`re actually good sellers for me). So anyway, I`ve been happy with most of my purchases, but this one time I`d bought some belly bars and waited for them to come to my door. Impatiently, as always..

When they arrived, I opened uprepparttar package, and inside was a small polythene bag, with 3 small candies in it and a "Thanks for your purchase" note. Just a tiny gesture, but guess what? It made me rememberrepparttar 120115 seller, and I`ve bought from her time and time again.

I read somewhere that if you under-promise, and over-deliver, then you`re onto a winner. I think whoever wrote that may just have been knowing what they were talking about.

So get going. Christmas is close, and time is running out. If you`re useless at ad copy, then PAY someone to write your ads for you. It IS worth it, and there are a lot of extremely reasonably priced copywriters out there. My personal favourite is

Give your website a holiday feel, full of red and green, just don`t overdo it. Make people feel comfortable, give them a reason to trust you, and you WILL make those Christmas sales!

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Anna-Marie Stewart has been involved with internet marketing since 1999. She has always tried to help people "make a go of it" online, by sharing her own experiences with as many people as possible. She now publishes "Not Just Another Ezine" a FREE weekly newsletter at - dedicated to helping newbie and semi-pro internet marketers avoid the pitfalls BEFORE getting burnt.

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