Introduction to Ayurveda

Written by Janet Male

Continued from page 1

Ayurveda, a sanskrit word, means "science of health and longevity"

According to this science every person has a unique body type [prakriti]. Roughly these divide into three types, Vata, Pitta and Kapha. However, combinations of one, two or all three types are possible.

Each type is prone to different ailments. This doesn't mean they'll get them. They just need to take more care in certain areas.

For example, vata types are often anxious, pittas angry, and kaphas far too laid back!

I have heard it said that after a meal a vata type should lie down and rest, pittas go for a walk, and kaphas washrepparttar dishes.

I'm surerepparttar 114057 kapha types will object to that!

Asrepparttar 114058 title says this is just an introduction to ayurveda. However, I hope I've whetted your appetite!

Janet trained as a Stress Consultant, but prefers the term 'Happiness Consultant'. Lots of free tips for natural health, happiness and beauty at her website:

Finding a Diet Plan That Works for You

Written by Larry Denton

Continued from page 1

Successful weight loss and weight management programs should address all of these factors. That'srepparttar reason to ignore products or plans that promise quick and easy, permanent results without permanent changes in your lifestyle. When it comes to evaluating claims for weight loss products,repparttar 114056 Federal Trade Commission (FTC) recommends a healthy portion of skepticism. Before you spend money on programs or products that promise fast and easy results, weighrepparttar 114057 claims carefully. They probably will not work, andrepparttar 114058 use of some products may not be safe.

Food specific diets rely onrepparttar 114059 myth that some foods have special properties that can cause weight loss or gain. However, no single food can. Many ofrepparttar 114060 fad diets--likerepparttar 114061 infamous Cabbage Soup Diet--can undermine your health, cause physical discomfort (gas) and lead to disappointment when you regainrepparttar 114062 weight soon after you lose it. There are no "superfoods." That's why you should eat moderate amounts from all food groups, not large amounts of a few special foods.

Doctors, dieticians, and other health experts agree thatrepparttar 114063 best way to lose weight is to eat fewer calories and increase physical activity so you burn more energy. A reasonable goal is to lose about a pound a week. For most people that means cutting about 500 calories a day and exercising regularly.

Taking charge of your eating habits is one ofrepparttar 114064 best ways to stay healthy. Staying motivated is a large part of your success, because most diets work--if you stick to them forrepparttar 114065 long term. Most successful dieters tell researchers that they lost weight and kept it off by doing their own thing. They devised a personal plan of eating and exercise which they could stick with. And you can do it too!

Larry Denton is a retired history teacher having taught 33 years at Hobson High in Hobson, Montana. He is currently Vice President of Elfin Enterprises of Montana, Inc. a business dedicated to providing information and resources on a variety of topics. For more diet tips visit

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