Introduce to"Marketing Strategies that EMPOWER Success" course

Written by Eugenijus

Continued from page 1

=> Lesson #5 - HARNESSING THE POWER OF EMAIL MARKETING (Get to know -- and master --repparttar strategies and techniques marketing pros use daily to get results! Insider secrets revealed!)

=> Lesson #6 - 8 STEPS TO IRRESISTIBLE COPY EVERY TIME (Learn how to write email messages that compel people to send you money! Try these 8 keys!)

=> Lesson #7 - TRIGGER WORDS THAT SABOTAGE YOUR EFFORTS (Discoverrepparttar 119817 trigger words and characters that must be avoided so that your message doesn`t fall into a spam trap or filter.)

=> Lesson #8 - EMAIL LISTS - WHAT`S UNSAFE (Don`t waste your marketing dollars on lists with leads that go nowhere. Learn how to protect your budget.)

=> Lesson #9 - EMAIL LISTS - WHAT`S SAFE (Signposts to lead lists that will work.)

In addition torepparttar 119818 9 exceptional lessons outlined above, you`ll get some extras, too, -- a study break, lists of words to use, a "graduation present" downrepparttar 119819 line, and evenrepparttar 119820 opportunity for "post-graduate" studies!


"Marketing Strategies that EMPOWER Success" contains proven techniques that you can apply immediately to any business. And althoughrepparttar 119821 course is written in a friendly, easy-to-read style, it`s all solid substance. No fluff here. Justrepparttar 119822 good stuff -repparttar 119823 REALLY good stuff.

You have nothing to lose -- nothing to pay -- but everything (and then some) to gain. Who knows - "Marketing Strategies that EMPOWER Success" may provide justrepparttar 119824 information you`ve been searching for. Use it to put a "tiger" in your sales tank and thousands of dollars into your pocket!

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Eugenijus Sakalauskas is an established ezine publisher and direct marketer who specializes in developing new ideas and methods on Website Marketing & Home Business Secrets Get FREE Support:

Eugenijus Sakalauskas is an established ezine publisher and direct marketer who specializes in developing new ideas and methods on Website Marketing & Home Business Secrets Get FREE Support:

Marketing or Selling -- Which is more important?

Written by C.J. Hayden

Continued from page 1
Where are you stuck in this system? Is it in fillingrepparttar pipeline to begin with? Or isrepparttar 119816 pipeline full, but you haven't been following up? Perhaps you have been following up, but don't seem to be getting torepparttar 119817 presentation stage. Or maybe you are making presentations but not closing sales. Wherever you seem to be stuck isrepparttar 119818 area that needs more effort. When you have promising leads you aren't contacting,repparttar 119819 follow-up stage is clearly your stuck place. Take that stack of leads and sort them into three categories: prospective clients, useful networking contacts, and other. Now sortrepparttar 119820 prospective clients into hot, warm, and cold. Stop right there and follow up with allrepparttar 119821 hot and warm leads. If, and I do mean if, you still need to do more work about marketing after following up with all those leads, go torepparttar 119822 networking contacts and sort them into two groups: people who can lead you directly to prospective clients, and people who can lead you to other marketing opportunities, e.g. a new networking group or a speaking engagement. Stop, and you guessed it, follow up withrepparttar 119823 people who might have leads for you. You should now have three groups left: cold client leads, people who can lead you to marketing opportunities, and other. Now isrepparttar 119824 time to decide whether you need to do something new to market yourself at all. Look at what you have been doing so far to get all those hot and warm leads you had. Maybe you just need to do more ofrepparttar 119825 same. If that's true, put those cold leads aside, because you'll have more hot and warm ones shortly. If you need to do something different to get better leads than what you had, go ahead and explore one ofrepparttar 119826 new marketing possibilities in your second group, or one ofrepparttar 119827 ideas stashed away in that drawer. And that "other" group? Throw them away. They are just cluttering up your pipeline.

C.J. Hayden is the author of Get Clients NOW! Thousands of business owners and salespeople have used her simple sales and marketing system to double or triple their income. Get a free copy of "Five Secrets to Finding All the Clients You'll Ever Need" at

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