Introduce Yourself to Local Markets

Written by Kay Bolden

Continued from page 1

4. Introduce yourself! Write a short but powerful letter of introduction to each potential market, personalizing each letter withrepparttar editor's correct name and title. This one has worked for me:

Smiley Face News

Anytown, USA

Dear Editor -

I am a freelance writer in Anytown, specializing in travel and in parenting issues. My work has been published in numerous print and online publications, including ABC and XYZ. As you can see from my clips, I have covered a wide range of local and regional topics. Additional samples are available on my professional website,

I am currently available to work on a variety of assignments, including feature stories, guest columns, interviews and round-ups of regional events. I believe my experience and abilities are well- suited to your publication.

I look forward to discussing your current needs! May I contact you duringrepparttar 129370 next week to propose a few articles? If you have any questions, or need more information, I can be reached at 111-222- 3344.


Writer With A Purpose

5. Make those calls! Be charming, professional and brief. Have a few ideas to toss out. Make an appointment, take your relevant clips and figure out how you can help this newspaper or mag better serve its readers this year.

A final note: do your best work and meet your deadlines. One happy editor leads to another, and another, and another ...

Kay Bolden publishes FamilyFest Newsletter, a free online magazine for families of all shapes and sizes, and is the author of Think Outside the Minivan: A Guide to Travel with Kids, available at She earns vacation money by writing for weekly newspapers and travel agencies.

Features and Benefits: Which is Which and Why Do I Need to Know the Difference?

Written by Linda Elizabeth Alexander

Continued from page 1

2. Writerepparttar way you speak.

Use your company's voice and personality in your copy. Make it sound like a written conversation between your company's personality and your customer. Every company will have its own style and tone, depending on whatrepparttar 129369 you sell.

2. Write in second person point of view.

Remember to write that conversation as if it were you and one customer speaking. Be sure to use "you" and "me" a lot - companies don't sell products, people do. Here are a few examples to keep you on track:

"You will feel ... " "You'll learn hat ..." "...brings you ... " "As you know,... "

4. Provide a call to action.

No, you're not ordering customers around when you tell them what to do -- but without spelling out specific actions to take, you'll risk losing their response.

Tell them exactly what you want them to do, and be specific. If you don't ask forrepparttar 129370 sale, you may not get it. For example:

"Please fill outrepparttar 129371 form and mail it to ..." "Enter by December 13 for your chance to win ..." "Call toll-free today 1-800-..." "Clickrepparttar 129372 blue box to read more ..."

Follow these tips when communicating features and benefits and be sure your customers are hearingrepparttar 129373 message you want them to hear. That way, they will also respond to your call to actionrepparttar 129374 way you want them to, and you makerepparttar 129375 sale!

Linda Elizabeth Alexander writes marketing copy for nonprofits and other businesses. Contact her today to get your free consultation!

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