Interviews With Successful Ezine Publishers - Eva Browne- Paterson

Written by Ken Hill

Continued from page 1

KH: How do you go about preparing your ezine for publication?

EBP: I do a lot of research inrepparttar days leading up to publication and send myself links, information, etc., that I will use inrepparttar 124265 ezine via email. I keep it in my inbox and then includerepparttar 124266 information in my ezine when I'm actually gettingrepparttar 124267 ezine ready.

When I'm preparingrepparttar 124268 ezine, I userepparttar 124269 previous issue so I can continue alongrepparttar 124270 lines ofrepparttar 124271 last edition and I update it torepparttar 124272 current issue.

As I publish online, I need to copy and paste everything into notepad first and then I make sure allrepparttar 124273 links open in a new window, and lastly, I runrepparttar 124274 spell checker over it before uploading. Then I testrepparttar 124275 tracking link to make sure it works before I send out an email withrepparttar 124276 tracking link included.

KH: Any advice to future ezine publishers? Things to look out for or things to concentrate on when publishing an ezine?

EBP: Yes. Make sure you have a good web host that won't shut you down atrepparttar 124277 first spam complaint. I've had several complaints and I only ever send email to personal friends or my subscriber list. Quite often it's a virus sendingrepparttar 124278 spam and not me. I've never sent spam in my life. It's just not worth risking everything you've worked hard for to lose over a single complaint!

Another thing: Don't complain to your subscribers! They don't want to hear it! If you use your ezine as a place to complain, then rewrite it, and rewrite it again until it's out of your system - then click send when you've rewritten it completely to sound more positive! :~)

Ask other publishers for resources and help. They'd be happy to help you out.

Try to keep organized so you don't spend too many hours getting your ezine ready. Make up a mental plan of what you want to include in advance, or write it down. Try not to publish late if you can help it, but these things do happen sometimes. :~)

Article by Ken Hill. Want To Publish Your Own E-zine? Don't Know Where To Start? Create as many e-mail lists as you want with unlimited, mailing list capable autoresponders. FREE 30 day trial.

Interviews With Successful Ezine Publishers - Thomas Olin

Written by Ken Hill

Continued from page 1

TO: I do write articles occasionally and they are an excellent way to promote your product or service free all overrepparttar Internet. Also important arerepparttar 124264 few paragraphs that I write atrepparttar 124265 beginning of each ezine allowing me to establish a long-term relationship with my subscribers.

KH: What methods do you use to promote your products or services within your ezine?

TO: I think it's absolutely vital that an ezine not be used primarily to promote your own products or services. With that said, it is also one ofrepparttar 124266 fastest and most powerful ways of making money onrepparttar 124267 net.

When I do promote, I use articles that involve services and products that I'm an affiliate of. I cloakrepparttar 124268 link so it doesn't look like an affiliate link.

KH: How do you go about preparing your ezine for publication?

TO: I keep up onrepparttar 124269 latest software, articles and marketing info from marketing pros, search engines, ezines, etc... saving what I consider to berepparttar 124270 most interesting.

I also have various free weekly subscriptions that email me quotes, jokes, and strange facts. Plus I gather allrepparttar 124271 free & paid ads that have been submitted to HGM duringrepparttar 124272 week.

Then on Thursday night I takerepparttar 124273 best of allrepparttar 124274 material I've saved and form a rough draft. Friday morning I polish it up and send it out around noon.

KH: Any advice to future ezine publishers? Things to look out for or things to concentrate on when publishing an ezine?

TO: Don't use your newsletter as just a way of promoting your programs, keep your material fresh and most of all -- it really helps to LOVE WHAT YOU'RE DOING!

Article by Ken Hill. Want To Publish Your Own E-zine? Don't Know Where To Start? Create as many e-mail lists as you want with unlimited, mailing list capable autoresponders. FREE 30 day trial.

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