Internet Marketing Guide

Written by Jack Elmy

Continued from page 1

You also need to give some serious consideration to how you are going to reel your customers into your site. Most Internet consumers do not surf to initially make a purchase. A large majority of your potential customers are looking for information. You need to be able to provide them withrepparttar information they want, for free, and then persuade them to purchase your product. Simple loading images of your products and listing prices won’t make very many sales. There are several Internet marketing guide techniques you can use to lure customers to your site.

Provide articles that relate to your subject. If you sell a variety of vitamin and mineral supplements, you could offer articles with information onrepparttar 119696 various benefits and uses of each type of supplement you sell. Make surerepparttar 119697 articles contain a healthy quantity ofrepparttar 119698 words someone would type into a search engine to look for information on that supplement and you’ve taken your first step toward search engine optimization. That wasn’t so hard, was it? Remember,repparttar 119699 steps of an effective internet marketing guide is really composed of nothing more than thinking likerepparttar 119700 average consumer.

Jack Elmy's web site provides information on the basics of creating business plans that get results and will help you succeed in your business, visit: You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your e-book or on your web site, free of charge, so long as you leave all links in place, do not modify the content and include our resource box as listed above.

Is Procrastination Holding You Back?

Written by C.J. Hayden

Continued from page 1
If you ARE procrastinating, what then? Begin to change this habit by getting in touch with your motivation to do better. What rewards, tangible and intangible, do you get from your work? Remind yourself of that payoff on a daily basis. Post a picture or note that represents those rewards to you on your calendar, phone, or dashboard. Break down each ofrepparttar activities you are having trouble with into small steps. Pick what seems likerepparttar 119695 easiest place to start, and block out time on your calendar to make a beginning. You may find that once you are taking action,repparttar 119696 rest seems much less difficult than you had feared. If you find that you really do have too much on your plate to have enough time for marketing, it's essential that you cut back on some of your other activities immediately. A business without marketing isn't a business; it's a hobby. Create more accountability for yourself by telling a buddy, support group, or coach exactly what you plan to get done each week. Ask them not to accept any excuses from you, and to remind you why you said you were doing all this inrepparttar 119697 first place. You can partner in this way with a colleague by setting up a weekly check-in where each of you reports torepparttar 119698 other. It may take time to breakrepparttar 119699 procrastination habit, so give yourself permission to fail a few times. Remember that even a small amount of progress may be allowing you to achieve more than you ever have before.

C.J. Hayden is the author of Get Clients NOW! Thousands of business owners and salespeople have used her simple sales and marketing system to double or triple their income. Get a free copy of "Five Secrets to Finding All the Clients You'll Ever Need" at

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