Internet Bullies: The Ugly Truth About Online Forums And How Business Owners Can Stop The Verbal Abuse

Written by Milana Nastetskaya

Continued from page 1

6. Some users expressed their willingness to pay an annual fee to be a member of a well-moderated board. When people are paying a fee, forum owners and moderators will feel more obligated to control its atmosphere. A forum should provide a true value to justifyrepparttar fee, though. If I had to choose, I would probably pick two such forums out of 20 that I visit weekly. 7. Another way to control a forum is to have strict banning rules. After all, if you post an advertisement of your company,repparttar 119064 post will be immediately removed and you could loserepparttar 119065 privileges to post there ever again. Yet when you are attacked,repparttar 119066 attacker is not banned. May be if everyone knewrepparttar 119067 penalty for attacking or starting a flame war is harsh, there would be less abuse. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you have been attacked... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

While personal attacks can be painful, especially suffer those business owners who have been wrongfully attacked and are worried about their business success. This means they have suffered a business defamation.

To determine if a defamation occurred, go throughrepparttar 119068 following checklist taken from "Online Business Defamation: How to Respond to Cybersmearing" article:

- The statement was published; - The statement referred torepparttar 119069 plaintiff; - The statement was defamatory; - The statement was false; - And either: (a)repparttar 119070 defendant was negligent in publishingrepparttar 119071 statement and caused actual damage torepparttar 119072 plaintiff's reputation in doing so; or (b)repparttar 119073 defendant publishedrepparttar 119074 statement either knowing it was false or with reckless disregard for its truth or falsity.

A "Guide to Flaming" ( outlines over 50 ways to start or aggravate a flame war. Some that were listed are patronizing, sarcasm, threats, cross roasting, generalizations and more. It gives suggestions as to how NOT to get into a flame war or how to deal with someone else attacking you, your credibility or your business.

1. Ask for evidence. If someone frames you publicly, ask what proof they have to support their point. Be sure they have NO proof before you challenge them, though :-)

2. Your self control will enhance your reputation. Before posting a response, wait a few hours. May be someone else will jump in and will help you out in this situation. May be a satisfied customer, or someone who actually knows you and your work. Do not respond to a simple abuse (i.e. where there is no facts or information, but plain insulting comments).

3. Turn flame wars into sales. If your business or your product has been attacked on a public forum, and you feel it is out of control andrepparttar 119075 moderators are not doing anything to stop it, here is what you could do. Calm down - your business will not be destroyed because of it. Now turnrepparttar 119076 tables to your advantage: this is an opportunity for you to talk about your business, products and services.

Explain why you think these attacks are false and unfounded. Talk about your company, its integrity and your efforts to make your customers happy.

Those who are in your target market could be so impressed with your presentation that they will go out and order your product! Bad publicity is good for business because it gives you a chance to talk about it. If you can't fight it, take advantage of it.

If your business has suffered loss due to such an episode of defamation, refer torepparttar 119077 "Online Business Defamation: How to Respond to cybersmearing" article forrepparttar 119078 legal steps to take outlined inrepparttar 119079 "Checklist for Online Business Defamation Matters" section (

No, there are no laws that can fine board owners and moderators for allowing flame wars full of insults and humiliation towards other forum users, inrepparttar 119080 US or UK, or any other country so far... But clearly,repparttar 119081 search for solutions is onrepparttar 119082 go.

Milana Nastetskaya is a full-time web developer and the author of 3 books: "Create Your First Business Web Site in 10 days!", "65 Instant Web Answers!" and "How To Install and Troubleshoot CGI scripts".

Who Will Become Wealthy in the Information Age?

Written by Michael Southon

Continued from page 1

(1) People Who are Self-Taught

To explain this better, let's go back torepparttar Agrarian Age andrepparttar 119063 Industrial Age, andrepparttar 119064 Transmission of Skills.

Inrepparttar 119065 Agrarian Age, skills were passed on from father to son. If you wanted to learn how to be a blacksmith you had to be a blacksmith's son. If you wanted to learn to be a stone-mason, you had to berepparttar 119066 son of a stone-mason.

Withrepparttar 119067 coming ofrepparttar 119068 Industrial Age, all this changed. You could go to University and learn whatever skills you wanted. Knowledge was freely available.

But inrepparttar 119069 Information Age,repparttar 119070 Transmission of Skills is changing once again.

The skills necessary to succeed inrepparttar 119071 Information Age are not being learnt from our parents (as inrepparttar 119072 Agrarian Age), nor are they being learnt in schools and colleges (as inrepparttar 119073 Industrial Age). Children are teaching their parents computer skills. And many ofrepparttar 119074 entrepreneurs who start hi-tech Internet companies have never been to college.

The millionaires (and billionaires) of tomorrow probably won't have a college education. They will be high-school drop-outs, self-taught people.

(2) People with New Ideas.

Again, it'srepparttar 119075 people who are able to think outside ofrepparttar 119076 existing structures who will become wealthy inrepparttar 119077 Information Age. Often, it's just a Simple Idea that launches people to success inrepparttar 119078 Information Age.

Take Sabhir Bhatia, for example -repparttar 119079 man who invented Hotmail. Bhatia was a computer engineer working in Silicon Valley. He had no previous business experience, whatsoever.

But one day, while he was driving back from work, a friend called him on his cell phone and said that he had an idea: What about starting a free, web-based email service? Bhatia knew this wasrepparttar 119080 idea he'd been waiting for. He told his friend to hang up immediately and ring him at home on a secure line.

Three years later he sold Hotmail to Microsoft for $400 million.

(3) Writers

The third group who will become wealthy inrepparttar 119081 Information Age are Writers.

Inrepparttar 119082 Industrial Age, Writers depended on large publishing Houses to get published (remember thatrepparttar 119083 printing press is an Industrial Age technology - it is centralized and controlled). Andrepparttar 119084 Publishing Houses tookrepparttar 119085 lion's share ofrepparttar 119086 profits.

Inrepparttar 119087 Information Age, Writers are doing their own publishing - and keeping most ofrepparttar 119088 profits themselves. Indeed, Writers are flourishing onrepparttar 119089 Web - mainly through eBooks and Ezine Articles. But even if you don't write eBooks or Ezine Articles, if you own a website, you are a Writer.


Becauserepparttar 119090 Internet is basically a written medium. It favors writers, people who are able to communicate effectively throughrepparttar 119091 written word. Remember, it's notrepparttar 119092 graphics on your website that sell, it'srepparttar 119093 words you use.

Inrepparttar 119094 Information Age, we're all Writers!

Michael Southon shows webmasters how to boost their Traffic and increase their Sales. Download the FREE version of his popular new eBook:

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