Interactive Mapping Brings Information to Life

Written by Joe Miller

Continued from page 1

Airlines track cancellations, fares, purchases, flight loading, and seating.

Land developers find geographical survey of longitudes and latitudes for cities anywhere inrepparttar United States.

Businesses track receivables, payables, inventory, and sales.

Companies break down sales reports according to product.

Corporations publish stock reports.

Marketing statistical personnel create charts and graphs, using functions.

Doctors find cancer rates acrossrepparttar 140001 United States.

Consumers track orders and receipts.

Students view documents likerepparttar 140002 US Constitution, connecting to notes, comments, and references embedded inrepparttar 140003 text.

Is Interactive Mapping Technology Compatible with Other Technology?

Yes. Interactive mapping has found a way to work hand in hand with technologies companies already use. Interactive mapping is also adaptable to PDF. Some examples of technologies with which interactive mapping tools can interface include HTML, FLASH, EMF, WAR, and XML.

Business, government, and educational reports and informational presentations are constantly being created and published with a variety of technologies and applications already available onrepparttar 140004 market. Documents created withrepparttar 140005 same applications can be teamed up with interactive mapping tools to create a simple display of information with which companies and consumers alike can interact.

Joe Miller is a specialist in online advertising. More information on interactive map, visit .

Interactive Charts are Reinventing Visual Data

Written by Joe Miller

Continued from page 1

Many warehouses already use maps that identify stock storage throughoutrepparttar warehouse. Interactive charts could take that a step further to showrepparttar 140000 stock level, incoming shipments, outgoing shipments, where they came from, where they were going,repparttar 140001 times stock came in and on which truck, andrepparttar 140002 times stock was shipped out and on what truck. The difficult task of tracking multiple variables has now been consolidated onto one simple, real-time display with interactive charts.

The charts, diagrams, maps, and other visual displays I used to stress about in presentations can now be organized in such a way that if I wanted to track all ofrepparttar 140003 activities on all levels of an organization-this could include sales, inventory, admin, marketing, R and D, and anything else-I could create a chart, diagram, or map which displays real-time progress with interactive charts. When I want to follow up, all I need to do is drag my mouse overrepparttar 140004 area or areas ofrepparttar 140005 company that I need to survey. I could even calculate and compare department productivity.

When it is time to come home and review my stock portfolio, I can grab my laptop and pull uprepparttar 140006 interactive charts displayingrepparttar 140007 progress of my stocks throughoutrepparttar 140008 day. If I am really curious I could then check out statistics onrepparttar 140009 snow levels at my favorite ski resorts orrepparttar 140010 liver cancer rate in Utah. With interactive charts, information is available as fast asrepparttar 140011 imagination can ask for it.

Joe Miller is a specialist in online advertising. More information on interactive map, visit .

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