Insights on Infidelity from Hillary Clinton’s Book

Written by Ruth Houston

Continued from page 1

Living History” is a surprisingly rich source of information on surviving an affair. Women will find in Hillary Clinton a role model for wives facing similar marital problems. Her candid account ofrepparttar Clinton-Lewinsky affair answers many ofrepparttar 130622 questions inrepparttar 130623 public mind, such as : Why didn’t Mrs. Clinton leave her husband? What made her decide to stay with him and keep their marriage intact? How did she cope withrepparttar 130624 emotional trauma? What helped her overcomerepparttar 130625 pain of betrayal?

“Living History” provides an intensely intimate look at one woman’s reaction to her husband’s affair. By examiningrepparttar 130626 factors that contributed torepparttar 130627 survival ofrepparttar 130628 Clinton marriage, perhaps other marriages can be saved. “Living History” is worthwhile reading for any woman whose husband is engaged in an extramarital affair.

© 2004 Ruth Houston All rights reserved.

Ruth Houston is the author of “Is He Cheating on You?-829 Telltale Signs.” For more information about her book, cheating husbands or signs of infidelity visit To receive a FREE Infidelity Report which includes a list of 29 Telltale Signs, send an e-mail to with “Infidelity Report” in the subject line.

For the Love of Mommy

Written by Jennifer Ottolino

Continued from page 1

7. Take time for just you- Make sure you get some get some quality time for just you. It can be anything you want from spending time with a friend, to getting a manicure, or just being by yourself. Just do something that is only for you, it will fill you up and refresh you. You will feel like a new woman after you are done. . Added Bonus: Encourages your child to be independent.

8. Remember that you have needs too- We have needs, and it is our responsibility to get them met. If you’re feeling frustrated, or unappreciated, instead of walking around feeling angry and misunderstood, figure out a way to get those needs met. Talk about them, ask for support, and be specific. And remember most people can’t read minds so you have to communicate with them to get those needs met. Added Bonus: Teaches your child how to effectively meet their own needs.

9. Give yourself permission- Why do we feel like bad mothers for wanting to do something for ourselves? Every woman who I have ever talked to that wants to express an unhappiness about being a mother feelsrepparttar need to qualify it by saying “Well, of course I love my child more than anything inrepparttar 130621 world but…”. Of course you do, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t be unhappy aboutrepparttar 130622 way something is going or how you feel. This is how you feel right now, there is nothing wrong with that, you’re a normal mother. Give yourself permission to feelrepparttar 130623 way you do and do something for yourself to feel better. Even if that means stepping back from your child for a couple of hours. . Added Bonus: Teaches your child to recognize and healthily deal with their emotions.

10. Be a role model- When you ask most parents what they want most for their children they say that they want them to be happy and successful contributing adults. The very best way to ensure that comes true for your child is to be a role model. If you want your child to be confident, get their needs met, be sure of who they are, and happy with their life, just remember that they learn that from you. . Added Bonus: Teaches your child to act with integrity.

Being a mother in today’s modern world is tricky business. We are bombarded all day long with messages of what makes a “good mother”. Just forget all that, and be true to you. Being joyful, present, and authentically you isrepparttar 130624 very best gift you can give to yourself and your child.

Jen Ottolino is a Personal Coach who works with individuals to eliminate blocks to success. She partners with people to actively attract the life they know they deserve, but haven’t quite managed to achieve. You can visit her website at and discover articles, tips, and strategies designed to enhance your life purpose. She also publishes the bite sized weekly newsletter Little gems to subscribe send an email

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