Inoculate Yourself Against Bad PR

Written by Robert A. Kelly

Continued from page 1

Now, let’s talk about your public relations goal. You need one that speaks torepparttar aberrations that showed up during your key audience perception monitoring. In all probability, it will call for straightening out that dangerous misconception, or correcting that gross inaccuracy, or doing something about that damaging rumor.

The realities of public relations are that goals need strategies to show you how to get there. And also that you have just three strategic choices when it comes to handling a perception or opinion challenge: create perception where there may be none, changerepparttar 103600 perception, or reinforce it. Unfortunately, a bad strategy pick will taste like ice cream on your corned beef and cabbage, so be certainrepparttar 103601 new strategy fits well with your new public relations goal. For example, you don’t want to select “change” whenrepparttar 103602 facts dictate a “reinforce” strategy.

Your PR team must create justrepparttar 103603 right, corrective language. Persuading an audience to your way of thinking is awfully hard work, so we’re looking for words that are compelling, persuasive and believable AND clear and factual. You must do this if you are to correct a perception by shifting opinion towards your point of view, leading torepparttar 103604 desired behaviors.

Here you must selectrepparttar 103605 communications tactics most likely to carry your words torepparttar 103606 attention of your target audience. Meet again with your communications specialists and review your message for impact and persuasiveness. You can pick from dozens of available tactics. From speeches, facility tours, emails and brochures to consumer briefings, media interviews, newsletters, personal meetings and many others. Just be sure thatrepparttar 103607 tactics you pick are known to reach folks just like your audience members.

Onrepparttar 103608 chance thatrepparttar 103609 old line aboutrepparttar 103610 credibility of a message depending on its delivery method is true, you might think about introducing it to smaller gatherings rather than using higher-profile communications such as news releases or talk show appearances. Consider yourself alerted whenrepparttar 103611 topic of a progress report is suggested. Time for you and your PR folks to return torepparttar 103612 field for a second perception monitoring session with members of your external audience. Using many ofrepparttar 103613 same questions used inrepparttar 103614 first benchmark session, you’ll now be watching very carefully for signs that your communications tactics have worked and thatrepparttar 103615 negative perception is being altered in your direction.

If impatience rears its head, you can always accelerate things with a broader selection of communications tactics AND increased frequencies.

Obviously, this will convert bad PR into good PR by doing something positive aboutrepparttar 103616 behaviors of those important outside audiences of yours that most affect your operation. It will dorepparttar 103617 job by creating external stakeholder behavior change leading directly to achieving your managerial objectives. And it will pull this off by persuading those key outside folks to your way of thinking, thus moving them to take actions that allow your business, non-profit or association to succeed.


Bob Kelly counsels managers about using the fundamental premise of public relations to achieve their operating objectives. He has been DPR, Pepsi-Cola Co.; AGM-PR, Texaco Inc.; VP-PR, Olin Corp.; VP-PR, Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co.; director of communi- cations, U.S. Department of the Interior, and deputy assistant press secretary, The White House. Visit:

If one does not do any planning, one is planning to fail.

Written by The International Business Foundation

Continued from page 1
•Defensive strategies It may happen that your enterprise finds itself onrepparttar receiving end of competitive thrusts byrepparttar 103599 opposition. In such scenarios one needs a number of options to defy competitors. Position defence isrepparttar 103600 most difficult alternative. The danger is thatrepparttar 103601 business engaged in this form of defence will rely on existing products or business methods. A flanking defensive strategy is one where an enterprise will ensure that competitors will not pursue flank attack strategies. To do this,repparttar 103602 business should ensure that it does not neglect any segments of its market or any geographical areas. Once a competitor gains a foothold in one of these, your business may be in jeopardy. Businesses may opt for a preemptive defence. This is carried out whenrepparttar 103603 business takes action steps before a competitor launches an attack. Some enterprises will execute such a strategy when they sense a competitor growing too big for comfort. Strategies to keeprepparttar 103604 other parties onrepparttar 103605 defence will be actively pursued. Some enterprises will initiate severe price cuts to force other parties to imitate. Obviously such moves are difficult to mirror should one not be in a position to weatherrepparttar 103606 effect on cash flow.

CONCLUSION Strategic planning is not a panacea for ills. It will not automatically ensure success. Sometimes one will make mistakes, assume incorrectly and make incorrect decisions stemming from this. The alternative, not to undertake any strategic planning, is even more dangerous. If one does not do any planning, one is planning to fail.

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