Continued from page 1
Letting go is where
magic happens. Letting go means you are okay getting your intention AND you are okay if you don't get it. It's a state of cool detachment. It's a state of neutrality toward your intention: You WANT it but you don't NEED it. When you release your intention to
world, you are releasing a "magic spell" that will stir
energy of all that is to do your bidding. Now this doesn't mean you don't DO anything. Instead, what it means is that you act on
impulses you get and
opportunities you receive. By doing so, you'll be brought to
thing you want---or to something even better.
In another email to me from Joe Sugarman (used here with his permission), he clarified this two-step process by explaining it this way:
"Having established in your own mind
power of thought, let us say you then create
energy (thought) and let it go. It goes through
universe with a power and a fury that you wouldn't believe. But
second key here is that you don't want to dwell on what you've just let go or keep visualizing it or even keep thinking about it. Why? Because it interferes with
perfection of
universe to manifest exactly what you want to accomplish."
Still confused?
I'm with you. I was confused at first, too. This two step process is just as strange as
five-step one in my "Spiritual Marketing" book, or
wishing one, or angels one, of my friends.
The thing is, all these methods work. They work for me, and I have a dozen books, several audiotapes, a country estate, and a luxury sports car to prove it. And they work for Joe Sugarman, who has built an empire. In fact, these "inside out" methods work for all
quietly daring business people who practice this white magic approach to marketing.
Want more proof?
Take Bob Scheinfeld. He's
author of "The Invisible Path to Success." He says his very spiritual method was used to build Fortune 500 companies, help a computer store jump from $90 million to $350 million in sales, and help a software company leap from $1.27 million to $21.8 million in sales.
Talk about hard evidence!
I could probably quote from a thousand books at this point. I'll just reach over and grab a book I am currently reading: "Immortal Man" by Neville. Here's what that great New Thought teacher said in one of his lectures:
"First, have a dream, and by a dream I mean a day dream, a glorious, wonderful day dream. Then ask yourself, 'What would it be like if it were true that I am now
man I am dreaming I would like to be. What would it be like?' Then catch
mood of
wish fulfilled and drench yourself with that feeling. Then for all your tomorrows try to
best of your ability to walk faithful to that assumption, and I am telling you from my own experience, in a way that no one knows, it will come and it will come suddenly."
It's truly that easy. And you don't have to talk to angels to make it happen!
In fact, you can probably reduce all these methods and all these steps to just one approach to making your dreams come true: Be happy.
That's right. Be happy.
As my friend Barry Neil Kaufman wrote in his wonderful book, "Power Dialogues": "You can get what you want without needing it to be happy."
He says when you are happy, you are more inclined to go for, and get, your dreams. And if for some reason you don't manifest your goal, well, you're still happy!
I've always felt there was an escalator through life. I've found it. And I just showed you where it is.
Won't you step up and enjoy
Order "Spiritual Marketing" at or read
e-book version for free at
Information on
books, tapes, and courses of Barry Neil Kaufman is at
John Harricharan's books and tapes are described at
Order Joe Sugarman's books at
Get free details on Bob Scheinfeld's "Invisible Path to Success" book and get a free five lesson introduction to his method at .cgi/105588.
Information on Robert Collier and Neville can be found at

Joe Vitale is the world's first Hypnotic Marketer. He is the author of way too many books to list here, including the best-selling e-book "Hypnotic Writing," the best-selling Nightingale-Conant audioprogram, "The Power of Outrageous Marketing," and co-author of the just released "Hypnotic Writing Swipe File." His main website is at