Infopreneur - Overlooked Golden Opportunity

Written by Dr. Jamie Fettig

Continued from page 1

If you gorepparttar partner route, choose wisely.

The second part of this equation is you need 'a body of knowledge that other people are willing to pay good money for'

I'm talking here about making *real* money. If you just want to make a few hundred extra dollars a month selling an e-Book, fine. But if your goal is to end up with a *business* that pays your mortgage, makesrepparttar 119645 car payment, and putsrepparttar 119646 kids through school, and then you're going to want to take a more serious approach.

When it comes to making a living selling information, there are two things that matter: pickingrepparttar 119647 right kind of 'deep pockets' market and servingrepparttar 119648 market you pick like crazy.

There are all kinds of info categories where people are willing to spend serious money... And those arerepparttar 119649 kind of markets you want to go after.

But here'srepparttar 119650 price of admission. You have to be able to consistently produce serious, high quality content that's *worth* big money.

The 'smoke and mirrors' guys like to gloss over this reality. 'It's easy,' they say. 'Just put up any old e-Book and you'll be rolling in it.'


The reality is most e-Book publishers who are making real money sell a lot more than just e-Books. They sell home study courses, seminars, coaching programs, etc. And none of those things are cheap.

If writing, researching, teaching and high level promotion are your life passions, you can do this too, but if they're not, be easy on yourself and take a look at one ofrepparttar 119651 two other paths to online success.

If you've got brains and guts and you sincerely want to be more than just another member of the 'mediocre Internet marketing majority,' take the FREE Pre-System Training. After just a few lessons you'll see right away if the System is for you or not. The Pre-System Training is a course that stands on its own and over the years, it's helped a lot of people make a lot of money.

Why Trying to "Get the Appointment" Can be a Recipe for Dis-Appoinment

Written by Ari Galper

Continued from page 1

To build trust, you need to:

1. Focusrepparttar conversation on your prospect's problems, while holding off on offering your solution.

2. Create a two-way dialogue instead of a one-way monologue.

3. Determine whether you and your prospect are a "fit" in terms of being in sync about putting resources toward solvingrepparttar 119644 problems.

All three of these elements must happen inrepparttar 119645 most natural way possible... and you can help them to come about. Here's how:

*Invite your prospect intorepparttar 119646 conversation naturally and comfortably -- not by making a mini-introduction about yourself (that only triggersrepparttar 119647 "wall"), but by asking, "Can you help me out for a second?"

*Toss out your selling scripts and create a dialogue path aroundrepparttar 119648 specific problems that you know your product or service can solve.

For example, rather than saying, "Our solution lowers costs," try, "Our solution solves three specific problems that you may be experiencing."

Then, state exactly what those problems are.

Identifying and agreeing onrepparttar 119649 prospect's problems is crucial but not enough to buildrepparttar 119650 trust and commitment you're seeking.

You can continuerepparttar 119651 conversation with something along these lines: "Sounds as if these issues are important for you, but, if we can just take a second, are they considered a priority, given what else might be on your plate right now? I mean, are these problems immediate enough that your company can put resources into a solution at this point?"

You see, Jack,repparttar 119652 basic cause of your "disease" is that you're not focusing your calls on your prospect's perspective. But if you simply expand your mindset and begin implementing new problem-solving language, you might be surprised when your prospect suggests making an appointment.

Warmest regards,


The next day, Jack replied:

To: Ari Galper From: Jack Subj. Re: Help! I need to make more appointments

Dear "Dr." Ari,

Thank you so much! Your reply gave me a huge sense of relief.

All of a sudden, I'm feeling "healthy" and motivated again.

Your relieved patient,


P.S. Sure, please do share our conversation with your subscribers so they don't have to sufferrepparttar 119653 way I have.

Try this medicine and see if it works for you.

Ari Galper is the founder of Unlock The Game™, the only selling program that completely eliminates pressure from the selling process. His Unlock The Game™ Sales Program has helped thousands of entrepenuers and sales professionals worldwide. Visit to take a Free Test Drive!

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