Indie Artist Management: Economic Realities & Insightful Strategies

Written by Scott G (The G-Man)

Continued from page 1

Ross: "Writers acrossrepparttar country can be very helpful when bands come in from out of town." He also recommends that you "get on-air appearances for your artists who are on tour. Call people, tell them why your artist will be good for their station or their club." Taylor challenged him to give an example of how he talks to people on these calls. To much laughter, he said, "If I'm talking to a club, I always sayrepparttar 103812 artist plays 'good drinking music.'"

Laski: "There are different levels of publicity. Atrepparttar 103813 start, you call reviewers. As you move up in sales, you hire a publicist to work a release or a tour, and you make certain he is inrepparttar 103814 proper genre of music. You can also callrepparttar 103815 BMI or ASCAP publicist, who can be helpful in getting contacts inrepparttar 103816 press."

On preparing marketing plans for artists:

Yeko: "It's helpful to list your goals, andrepparttar 103817 steps you need to take to achieve them. This is a good idea even if you don't follow your plan exactly as it was written."

Ross: "Unfortunately, marketing plans require marketing money."

Laski: "Marketing plans are too time-consuming. We plan what we need to do asrepparttar 103818 need arises. Too many factors change as you go along."

On touring:

Ross: "Outside of L.A., you can actually make some money."

Laski: "Touring is going to be a losing proposition atrepparttar 103819 beginning of an artist's career, unless you can get tour support from a record label."

On making money for indie artists:

Laski: "We place songs on TV and film soundtracks. It not only makes some money for artists, it is excellent exposure."

Yeko: "We have had great success with film and TV placement of songs, but some of our artists have developed clothing items and merchandise that actually generate more income at shows than CD sales."

On artists looking for a magic formula for a breakthrough:

Yeko: "There is no shortcut to success other than hard work."

Ross: "When you get those e-mails from people offering to set-up showcases, orrepparttar 103820 ones that tell you all about a great CD sampler they're sending out, run away. These are never a good deal."

On must-do lists for artists and managers:

Ross: "Whatever you receive from anyone, whether it's a writer, club owner, or someone at retail, thank them!"

Yeko: "Look intorepparttar 103821 NACA,repparttar 103822 National Association for Campus Activities at We've also had an artist who did an entire summer of playing shopping malls."

Ross: "When you send CDs to radio or press, removerepparttar 103823 shrinkwrap. And do not send a CD to radio without a proper 1-sheet." NOTE: you can download a PDF of a proper 1-sheet here:

Oddly,repparttar 103824 most provocative statement ofrepparttar 103825 evening failed to draw any comment fromrepparttar 103826 audience orrepparttar 103827 panelists. Taylor beganrepparttar 103828 program with a prediction that "Inrepparttar 103829 wake of industry changes such asrepparttar 103830 Sony/BMG merger, indie record distribution may ultimately move from a single digit percentage to as much as 25 to 30 percent." Perhaps this is really a prelude torepparttar 103831 next LAMN or NARIP presentation.

# # #

Scott G writes and records as The G-Man and his work is on iTunes and at

Assistance for Hurricane Victims

Written by Steve Slepcevic

Continued from page 1

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Hurricane victims can contact Paramount Disaster Recovery for assistance 24 hours a day at or toll free at 1-888-752-3399. With 25 years of disaster recovery experience Paramount can quickly and effectively settle insurance claims and restore properties to original or better condition at no cost torepparttar 103814 insured.

Steve Slepcevic is the CEO of Paramount Disaster Recovery Services. Since 1989 residential property and business owners throughout the United States have relied on Paramount Disaster Recovery for all their storm damage restoration needs.

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