Independence Forever!

Written by Mark Cole

Continued from page 1

For Adams, this quality - what we might call stubbornness - was an important moral virtue. For him, tenacity and inflexibility were better understood as honor. "I would quarrel with every individual before I would prostitute my pen," he once wrote. "I am determined to preserve my independence, even atrepparttar expense of my ambition," he once said. It’s a good thing that he felt that way, because that is ultimately what happened.

Independence forever.

Inrepparttar 140384 war-torn decade followingrepparttar 140385 Declaration, Adams wasrepparttar 140386 top American diplomat throughout Europe. Accompanied by his son, John Quincy, John Adams pressedrepparttar 140387 cause of independence tirelessly. The Treaty of Paris, endingrepparttar 140388 American war for independence, is one of his greatest contributions torepparttar 140389 founding of America.

Lesser men would have sought peace too rapidly and failed to securerepparttar 140390 necessary guarantees of independence fromrepparttar 140391 crown. Adams proved to be a tough negotiator and shrewd diplomatic tactician right up torepparttar 140392 finish line.

Independence forever.

When he returned home, his country elected him torepparttar 140393 Vice-Presidency underrepparttar 140394 Father of America, George Washington. "My country has in its wisdom contrived for merepparttar 140395 most insignificant office that ever man contrived," was how Adams aptly described his position.

Eight years later, John Adams wonrepparttar 140396 Presidency himself, but unlike Washington before him and Jefferson after him, Adams fail to win a second term. His politically fatal defect? He stood alone too often. Though he was certainly a man ofrepparttar 140397 Federalist Party, he sought to avoid party ties and in so doing failed to maintain his allies. Simultaneously, he alienated himself fromrepparttar 140398 opposition party. He became a party of one. And he was not re-elected. (The second man in American history to claimrepparttar 140399 dubious distinction of failing to win re-election would be his son, John Quincy Adams).

Independence forever.

In their amazing and intertwined lives, Jefferson and Adams first admired each other; then they hated each other. They were originally allies, but later they became vicious enemies. Their lifetime was characterized early on by productive collaboration but then later by intense rivalry and backstabbing.

Atrepparttar 140400 low point in their relationship, it is hauntingly conceivable that Adams and Jefferson could have beenrepparttar 140401 ones to fight a duel, rather than Burr and Hamilton.

Even so, through it all, Jefferson kept a bust of Adams in his parlor at Monticello. Perhaps it was Jefferson who never gave up hope for reconciliation? After all,repparttar 140402 two giants of independence had struggled againstrepparttar 140403 odds – together – in 1776. They had worked beyond political and personal differences to serve together inrepparttar 140404 Washington administration –repparttar 140405 first and last non-partisan administration in American history. But when Adams became President and Jefferson became Vice President – an arrangement which precipitated Adams’ downfall – Adams, rightly or wrongly, believed that Jefferson was responsible. Accordingly, Adams famously refused to attend Jefferson’s inauguration (the vanquished John Quincy Adams, would likewise refused to attendrepparttar 140406 swearing in of his successor, Andrew Jackson).

Independence forever.

On New Year’s Day in 1812, several years after Jefferson had finished his second term, it was Adams who wrote Jefferson a letter, thus endingrepparttar 140407 steely silence of more than a decade during. Overrepparttar 140408 next 14 years, they would write more than 150 letters to each other.

Through this correspondence,repparttar 140409 friendship of 1776 would be miraculously restored.

Finally, in 1826, in one of those strange facts of history which would be unbelievable if passed on to us inrepparttar 140410 form of fiction, Adams and Jefferson died within hours of each other on July 4th,repparttar 140411 50th anniversary ofrepparttar 140412 Declaration of Independence.

There are conflicting accounts of what Adams’ final words were. One says, I think implausibly, that he uttered, “at least Jefferson still lives” –repparttar 140413 irony being that Jefferson had died a few hours earlier.

The account which I think contains more truth in it says that Adams’ parting words were:

“Independence Forever!”

Mark Cole is an attorney who lives in Magnolia, Texas. To learn about how the Great Men of the Past – including men like John Adams and Thomas Jefferson – can help you to fulfill your destiny, please visit

Seven Steps To Total Concentration

Written by B. K. Narayan,

Continued from page 1

Your brain goes to search mode whenever it hears a question and it is hooked torepparttar topic! They fire another question byrepparttar 140156 time your brain finishesrepparttar 140157 search and is ready to jump to some unrelated thought.

You may have proof to this with you! For example, you're talking with some friends. Questions and answers are flying from one brain to another. A friend asks a question to another. But your brain jumps to answer even though you've not been asked that question!

Take another example, reading a story. Why we read stories with such total concentration? Because a good story raises many direct or indirect questions in your brain. And your brain wants to find answers to all those questions. Till your brain finds answers to all those questions, it even postpones reminding you to take food!

Remember, you've many times told your mother, "I'll eat later, I'm not hungry!" Why? Because you can't put down that book till you find what happened to that hero or heroine!

You can use this property of your brain to concentrate while studying or hearing lectures. How? Just keep asking questions, mentally, like, ‘what' ‘why' ‘where' ‘how' onrepparttar 140158 statements or facts or characters expressed byrepparttar 140159 teacher or lecturer orrepparttar 140160 author. When you engage your brain with these questions you keep your brain engaged onrepparttar 140161 topic. It doesn't get time to jump to another topic.

Incidentally this isrepparttar 140162 easiest, fastest and most effective way for students to concentrate 100 percent in classroom or while self-study. By using this method students learn more onrepparttar 140163 topic being taught or read.

STEP #6: Work when you work, and play when you play!

It isrepparttar 140164 age old advice. Valid for ever. When you follow a time schedule for all your activities it becomes easy to concentrate. When you watch TV don't think of studies. It is bad habit! Just enjoyrepparttar 140165 program. When you eat concentrate fully on food, its taste, aroma, its value for your body and so on. This discipline helps you to concentrate fully whenever you want.

STEP #7: Mix these three ingredients to make total concentration effortless:

Here are those three ingredients: 1. Knowing what you really want in life 2. Having strong intention to getrepparttar 140166 thing you want 3. Repeatedly paying attention to allrepparttar 140167 tasks that takes you near to your goal.

Now relaterepparttar 140168 task at hand to your goal. You'll be able to concentrate fully with minimum wandering of your thoughts. Ifrepparttar 140169 task can not be related to your goal, think whether it can be avoided. If it can't be avoided treat it as a social service and decide to do it with allrepparttar 140170 love you can generate. Above steps help you to some extent to concentrate fully. You can improve your ability to concentrate 100 percent, naturally and make it your habit by learning more about your brain.

B. K. Narayan is the author of "Success Mindware--the complete self-improvement system for children of any age. Ebook version of this course is available at his web site. Visit author's web site: to read articles on working secrets of brain, motivation etc. Get free copy of positive parenting guide ebook and subscribe to Weekly Motivation Gems.

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