Increase Your Response with Multi-Step Marketing

Written by Heidi Richards, MS

Continued from page 1

Step Three Send your direct response offer torepparttar prospect. These prospects fall into one of three categories. We’ll call them cold, warm and hot prospects. A Cold prospect is slightly interested; she is looking and will not buy. These prospects represent a small percentage of your inquiries. A Warm prospect is very interested, but not ready to buy. They representrepparttar 136322 majority of your inquiries. A Hot prospect is very interested and ready to buy. They also represent a small percentage of your inquiries.

Step Four Follow up with mailings to prospects who didn’t buy. Repeat this step again and again. According to "Sales and Marketing Magazine," 80% of all people who inquire about a product buy that product within one year, but not fromrepparttar 136323 company that maderepparttar 136324 original contact. Why? Becauserepparttar 136325 company didn’t follow up. It generally takes at least five contacts with a prospect who showed interest inrepparttar 136326 product or service you offer before they will buy from you. If you are successful withrepparttar 136327 initial mailing, you can expect 30 to 70 percent in leads turning into customers with follow up mailings.

You don’t have to changerepparttar 136328 entire mailing each time. Generally changingrepparttar 136329 cover letter and making minor changes torepparttar 136330 mailing is sufficient. Remember that one of your biggest expenses is gettingrepparttar 136331 prospect. By following these four steps you can watch your sales and profits sky-rocket!

Excerpted from The PMS Principles - Powerful Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Business © 2005 - Heidi Richards

Heidi Richards is the author of The PMS Principles, Powerful Marketing Strategies to Grow Your Business and 7 other books. She is also the Founder & CEO of the Women’s ECommerce Association, International (pronounced wee-kī) – an Internet organization that “Helps Women Do Business on the WEB.” Basic Membership is FREE. Ms. Richards can be reached at or

Time To Revamp Your Visual Identity?

Written by Amanda Vlahakis

Continued from page 1

How do you make it last a lifetime?

If you are going to develop a new design then it needs to standrepparttar test of time. You should work with a good designer, who knows current trends and how to avoid anything ultra fashionable that will look dated in a year. A good design should last 20 years and should be solid enough to take slight adaptations or modernisations during this time.

How do you keep your brand intact?

Building a brand takes a long time and needs consistency, repetition and giving customersrepparttar 136276 service they expect time and time again. You don’t want to alienate your existing customer base by a radical design change that they can’t relate to. If you want a change, consider using elements already in place such as one main colour or image, think aboutrepparttar 136277 changes companies like Pepsi and Coke have made over time. A company with a strong logo and visual identity is takingrepparttar 136278 first step in building an established and profitable brand.

What you ultimately want to achieve is an identity which can evolve over time without noticeable change allowing you to maintain your core identity.

To find out more about making your visual identity come alive contact Truly Ace offers creative unique and cost effective logo design, commercial illustration, graphic design, and web design services.

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