Increase Your Intelligence With Music

Written by Steve Gillman

Continued from page 1

What these new products do is embed music with beats and pulses that entrain your brain waves to a specific frequency. You just put inrepparttar right CD or MP3 for your activity (you don't wan't an Alpha state for analytical work), and you get better brain function. Science? Partly.

It is well established that our brain wave frequencies change with our mental states and vice-versa. It is has also been clearly demonstrated that meditators can go into an alpha state at will, and that this has beneficial effects (lowering of stress, blood pressure, etc.). Dorepparttar 128525 tapes accomplish this more easily?

Yes, in my experience. I've found two products that put me in a peaceful state unlike any other music or meditative practice. Studies will proverepparttar 128526 effects (some have already), and disproverepparttar 128527 wilder claims of some of these products. Givenrepparttar 128528 results I experienced, however, I wouldn't wait forrepparttar 128529 research, any more than I would have waited for proof ofrepparttar 128530 existence of vitamin C before I'd continue eating limes to cure scurvy a hundred years ago.

Wait for more evidence ofrepparttar 128531 benefits of brainwave entrainment, if you must, but why not try classical music repparttar 128532 next time you need to study, just to see if it helps? Experiment with music - I haven't yet heard of any damage caused by Mozart.

Steve Gillman has been studying brain improvement, concentration, creative problem solving, and related topics for years. You can visit his website, and subscribe for free to his Brain Power Newsletter at:

Are you making a sacrifice?

Written by Debbie O'Meara

Continued from page 1

“I bargained with life for a penny And Life would pay no more, However I begged at evening When I counted my scanty store.

For Life is a just employer, He gives you what you ask, But once you have setrepparttar wages, Why, you must bearrepparttar 128524 task.

I worked for a menial’s hire, Only to learn, dismayed, That any wage I had asked of Life, Life would have willingly paid.”

Do you see life as being willing to pay a penny’s worth of value? Or more? The Universe won’t second-guess you. If you only ask for a penny, it will assume you know what you want, and be accommodating enough to give it to you.

Ourselves. This might berepparttar 128525 hardest of all. Do we see ourselves as average? Stuck? Not as smart, or not good enough? Then we’re not. But even our self-limiting beliefs are comfortable. They become part of our identity. But these beliefs have gotten us into whatever position we’re in. If we want to change that position, we’ve got to changerepparttar 128526 thinking. If I want new furniture in my living room, I need to get rid ofrepparttar 128527 old furniture to make room, no matter how comfortable I’ve gotten with it. If I want new thoughts in my head, I need to sacrificerepparttar 128528 old ones.

So sacrifice isn’t such an awful thing. Its short-term pain makes room for long-term growth. And as long as we know where we’re growing to, it’s a process to welcome.

Debbie O'Meara is the owner of Lightrae Publishing, your source for abundance and prosperity resources around the Web. Visit for Charles Fillmore's book Prosperity, as well as Lightrae's free newsletter and free ebook. Please use and distribute this article in its entirety, including the byline and link to Lightrae Publishing.

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