Increase Your Google AdWords CTR

Written by Justin Hallman

Continued from page 1
accurate data. Your new ad begins with, "Is Your Child Safe? Please, read this before, etc". You immediately begin seeing better results as your CTR has doubled to 2.2%, while CPC (cost per click) has actually decreased. It's a no-brainer as to which ad you will run from now on. And, you can continue to create new ads and run them against each other, until you haverepparttar most effective ad possible. Inrepparttar 100566 history of advertising, this has never been possible, without spending $1000's while having to wait weeks or months forrepparttar 100567 research data to come back. This is an exciting Adwords feature that you absolutely should not ignore.

Justin Hallman writes for

Article Writing For Fame And Fortune

Written by Randy Justason

Continued from page 1

So how are all those links coming to my site?

Simple. With each article you write, you haverepparttar opportunity to put a resource box atrepparttar 100565 end. This short 'Signature File' is usually around 5 lines and is where you introduce yourself and tellrepparttar 100566 readers about what you are selling and how they can get more information. It can contain a link to your web site and an email address. This is your advertisement, and it's free.

What'srepparttar 100567 matter, don't think you can write about anything interesting?

I didn't think I could either. Then I got to thinking about what I have been doing online forrepparttar 100568 past few years. I thought about some ofrepparttar 100569 problems I had and how I fixed them and how I usedrepparttar 100570 internet to make money (i.e. this article). I also decided that other people may want to know about these things and presto, a writer was born!

Thousands of people are joiningrepparttar 100571 internet every day and are looking for information on particular topics. Some may be looking for ways to make money, others may be looking for recipes, or articles on pets, or just about anything. The possibilities are endless. If you have a favorite hobby, share it with others by writing articles about it.

If you're not sure about a topic, do a little research onrepparttar 100572 internet. Read other articles, check websites and then condense what you learn into an article.

You don't need to be an experienced writer, just write like you would talk to someone about your topic. Try to be grammatically correct and check your spelling, or have someone check it for you.

Don't try to write it all at once either. If you're not sure what you are going to say, simply jot down whatever comes to mind then go back and fill inrepparttar 100573 paragraphs. Stop for awhile and then come back to it. You'll be surprised at how much you can remember about your topic when you are just walking around, then you can come back and type it out.

Try to keep your articles between 500 and 1000 words. Keep your paragraphs short as this makes for easier reading. If you don't like writing paragraphs, you could make it a 'Tips' article, for instance, "7 Tips For ***", or "10 Good Reasons To ***".

Writing articles can give you free promotion and atrepparttar 100574 same time develop a favourable reputation for you onrepparttar 100575 Internet.

So what are you waiting for?

Randy Justason is the Owner/Webmaster of MLM Wonders - - A website dedicated to opportunities, ideas and resources for starting a home based business on the internet. You can subscribe to the MLM Wonders free monthly Newsletter at:

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