Increase Acknowledgment for More Ease in Your Relationships

Written by Caterina Rando

Continued from page 1

By forcing herself to focus on what was going well and acknowledging her spouse and son, Sherry began to increase her awareness of allrepparttar large and small things that were good in her relationships. She stopped having any interest in nagging, and she started to communicate with more compassion.

Appreciatingrepparttar 130887 acknowledgment and noticing her shift to a more compassionate place, Sherry’s spouse and son wanted to be closer to her and give her more support.

Don’t confuse a compliment with an acknowledgment. Compliments are usually about someone’s looks or what they are wearing; "Nice tie," "That blue shirt brings out your eyes," or "That is a beautiful dress" are all compliments. An acknowledgment focuses on someone’s behavior or character. "Thank you for picking uprepparttar 130888 dry cleaning," "I appreciate you takingrepparttar 130889 time to go shopping with me," or "It means a lot to me when you help me clean up" are all acknowledgments.

When acknowledging people, be specific; do not simply tell people that they did a good job or that they are a valuable member ofrepparttar 130890 team. Tell them why. A few examples of acknowledgments are: "You are always so good about settingrepparttar 130891 table before I ask," "I really value your opinion," and "Thanks for your help gettingrepparttar 130892 kids off to camp; that really took a lot of creative problem-solving."

Start right now to focus on increasing your acknowledgments, both at home and throughout your life. Getting good at acknowledgment will take some time; pretty soon, though, you will find yourself acknowledging people naturally, with ease. You will find more closeness, camaraderie and fulfillment in all your relationships.

Caterina Rando, MA, MCC, is a success speaker, life coach and author of the national bestseller "Learn to Power Think." She helps people invigorate their lives and create the results they want with ease. To find out about her programs, book and other resources, visit Caterina can be reached at 800-966-3603 or by email at

Communicate Powerfully to Get What You Want

Written by Caterina Rando

Continued from page 1

6. PREPLAN YOUR POINTS TO MAKE Plan ahead of timerepparttar points you want to make. Thinking out loud with your mouth running is counter-productive.

7. ALWAYS ASK Do not wait for someone to make you an offer you cannot refuse. Ask for what you want every time whether it is a raise, a resource or recognition. Do not take "no" for an answer. Remember no does not mean no, it means negotiate.

8. SAY WHAT YOU WANT TO SAY As women we often hesitate to speak, wondering if what we have to say will be well-received. We edit ourselves instead of speaking up. Do not withhold a question, a comment or a compliment.

9. POSITION YOURSELF POWERFULLY Be aware of your posture when you speak. Slouching, tilting your head and crossing your arms or legs diminishesrepparttar 130885 message. Stand up straight, shoulders down, feet firmly planted and knees unlocked.

10. PROJECT YOUR PRESENCE Your voice isrepparttar 130886 herald that carries your message. Speak from your diaphragm not your throat. Keeprepparttar 130887 sound inrepparttar 130888 low to medium range. This projects authority. Speak loudly enough to be easily heard. Breathe deeply and often.

The key to success for women in business is getting your point across powerfully and professionally. Utilized these strategies to get yourepparttar 130889 results you want. Remember, keeping your mouth shut is beneficial only when riding a bicycle or standing underrepparttar 130890 porch light inrepparttar 130891 summertime.

Caterina Rando, MA, MCC, is a success speaker, life coach and author of the national bestseller "Learn to Power Think." She helps people invigorate their lives and create the results they want with ease. To find out about her programs, book and other resources, visit Caterina can be reached at 800-966-3603 or by email at

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