In My Life

Written by Rick Beneteau

Continued from page 1

In My Life I have danced withrepparttar Devil, delving into shameful worldly temptations.


In My Life I have bathed inrepparttar 122880 pure calm of Peace.

In My Life I have enduredrepparttar 122881 calamity of Chaos.


In My Life I have been Charitable and made a difference in someone's life.

In My Life I have accepted Charity that made a difference in my life.

In My Life I have been Selfish and made a difference to one.


In My Life I have Compromised and created a better outcome.

In My Life I was too ignorant to know when Compromise was a good thing and there was no outcome at all.


In My Life I have been a Hero - to my partner, to my children, to my parents, to my siblings, to my friends, and to strangers.

In My Life I have acted Cowardly - towards my partner, my children, my parents, my siblings, my friends, and strangers.


In My Life I have been willing to Sacrifice forrepparttar 122882 greater good.

In My Life I have been so reluctant to risk my Security that I missed so much goodness.


In My Life I have learned that I will never do wrong by doing anything forrepparttar 122883 right reason.

In My Life I have learned that I will never be right by doing anything forrepparttar 122884 wrong reason.


In My Life I have discovered thatrepparttar 122885 greater Good doesn't always feel good.

In My Life I have discovered that whenrepparttar 122886 greater Good was not my goal, nothing good was accomplished.


Now, may I ask . . .

In Your Life . . .?

© Rick Beneteau

Rick is co-creator of the breakthrough Make Every Day A Great Day Program. Read the powerful, life-changing testimonials and discover how this revolutionary product can dramatically change Your Life too!:

Don't Put Off Faith Until Tomorrow

Written by Joel Garfinkle

Continued from page 1

Putting Faith into Action Today

Once you realize that true faith is a present-moment activity, you'll see procrastination in a whole new light. Putting off an action until tomorrow robs you of an opportunity inrepparttar present moment to start creatingrepparttar 122879 future you want. Here are some tips for putting your faith into action right now:

* Create tomorrow; don't maintain yesterday.

Abandon anything that doesn't support what's most important to you. For example, when my clients come to me for help in landing their dream job, they are making a statement to themselves that this is is one ofthe most important aspects of their lives and should be treated as such.

* See your challenges as opportunities.

We often procrastinate because a challenge or obstacle in our path causes us to freeze up and say, "Not today." Viewing what's presented to you as an opportunity is a gift that will enable you to learn, grow, evolve, and createrepparttar 122880 amount of change necessary to stop procrastinating.

* Use resources wisely.

Resources come in a variety of forms, including energy, money, and time. Instead of procrastinating, always question how you can best use your resources in each minute ofrepparttar 122881 day.

* Take action today for what you want tomorrow.

When you procrastinate, you aren't remaining focused on what you truly want. Taking action today is about actively embracingrepparttar 122882 concepts of discipline, motivation, and pursuit.

* Plan, then act.

When you decide to take action, your steps should be specific, achievable, realistic, and timely. But "careful planning" is no excuse to procrastinate. Plan first, then act on your plans.

By taking action today, inrepparttar 122883 present moment, you are tangibly demonstrating that you have faith in your future. You are proactively making decisions to align your current status in life with what you want to achieve inrepparttar 122884 long run. John Dryden once said, "They can conquer who believe they can." And I say that those who act on their faith today rather than putting it off until tomorrow will conquerrepparttar 122885 future.

Copyright 2004-2005, Joel Garfinkle, All Rights Reserved.

Joel Garfinkle helps individuals transition into their dream jobs and leads managers and executives to higher levels of professional and personal achievement. Visit Joel on the web at Dream Job Coaching ( and Garfinkle Executive Coaching (

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