In Everything You Do

Written by David Nelmes

Continued from page 1
know so that you can eventually come home to him.

"...and do not depend upon your own understanding." Our pursuit to understand isrepparttar primary thing that distances us from God at times. All understanding is with God. In time, we may understand all things, but we must first release our self-made concepts of what things are and why things are and stop limiting what God can do in our lives. Just know that God knows and stop trying to understand. Just believe God will do as he says and don't try to figure it out on your own. This world does not haverepparttar 126811 answers and since we cannot understand most spiritual things, our worldly understanding and attempts to prove ourselves are often just distractions that keep us at a distance from God.

Before you can understand anything, you must be open to see it as it truly is. Consider an attempt in trying to describe a color to somebody, without using any reference to any other color or texture. No matter how well you try, he will never truly understand what that color is... until he finally sees it. Having seenrepparttar 126812 color, he will understand how it can be used and what it matches and how it differs. Understanding comes by first seeing. Open your heart to see things as God would have you see them and understanding will follow later. First, be open and willing to see, without reservations and without conditions or exclusions of what you will let God show you. Be open. Be willing. Do not depend upon what you have already convinced yourself that you understand. Desire to see. Choose to see differently. Be willing to see things clearly.

"In everything you do, acknowledge Him..." Know that God is your source. Know that his will isrepparttar 126813 only will and that your will isrepparttar 126814 same as his. Both God and you want you home. Both God and you want you to be happy, healthy and secure. Know that there is nothing you do separate from him that will ever succeed. This has nothing to do withrepparttar 126815 world where success is rated upon financial or social awards. All those things eventually fade to dust and therefore are not real. They don't matter to God. The condition of your spiritual being matters to God. Success is when you open your heart more thanrepparttar 126816 day before. Success is when you are not fearful of things you feared before. Success is seeing God more clearly than before. Success is having an honest desire to pursuerepparttar 126817 truth, no matter how it might contradict whatrepparttar 126818 world and religion has taught you.

"...and he will direct your path." What is your path? What is it that God would have you DO? Once you fully comprehendrepparttar 126819 concept of placing your total trust in God, there is nothing you will feel you will have to do for God. Only God can do. When you think there is something you can or must do for God, you have limited God and put yourself in his seat. So what is your path if you don't do anything? Your path is not about's about being. It doesn't matter to God what you do, as long as you BE part of him while you do it. Whether you are sweeping floors, running an entire corporation or climbing a mountain, these are physical things. God is not physical, he is spiritual, as is your true self. What is important is what are you BEING while you do these things. That is what your path is, to be all that God would have you be. To be without be full of be be be open to hear be willing to grow in Him.

There is nothing God requires that you do. There is no payment or sacrifice he requires or desires. There is no path to discover by racking your brain in trying to figure out what it is that God would have you do. There is no physical thing inrepparttar 126820 entire universe that you need to give God or those who claim they follow God. There is only one thing that God desires from you and that is for you to Be Willing. Be willing to see clearly... be willing to choose differently... be willing to set aside whatrepparttar 126821 world has taught you... be willing to be what he would have you be. Your willingness creates an opening in your being that allowsrepparttar 126822 Holy Spirit to Do things. It allowsrepparttar 126823 Holy Spirit to heal you, teach you and guide you. Learn to Be and you'll truly see what God can Do.

No matter what you do in life, God can and will use your life to bless you and all those around you, but even more-so if you are pursuing a higher place of being as well. There are times when we dream about a grand future event that God will bring us to...Our Mission For God...but that's just fantasy. It is a sign you are not trusting God if you are planning what you believe God thinks is best for you. God may use events and choices you make that will affect a large audience some day, but that doesn't matter. God knows exactly what you need to become more and more open to him every day. That is what is important to him. He knows what will speed this process and that is where he will guide you. So don't be so concerned about what you think God wants you to do. Instead, in whatever you do decide to do, be what God would have you be and he will direct you from there.

This article Copyright ©2004 David Nelmes - Reproduced with Permission.

*Compliments of:Dreams Alive Magazine -
Being Willing -

David Nelmes provides opportunities for those around him to see things from perspectives they had not considered before. His desire is for himself and all men to pursue truth and be open and willing to see what God would have us see. His influences consist of being truly open and applying the truths in both "The Bible" and "A Course In Miracles". See more at: -

Make no Mistake

Written by Joyce C. Lock

Continued from page 1

You are a child ofrepparttar most High.

Psalm 82:6

You were fearfully and wonderfully made.

Psalm 139:14

You arerepparttar 126810 image and glory of God.

I Corinthians 11:7

My Spirit dwells in you.

I Corinthians 3:16

You are my temple.

I Corinthians 3:17

You are my heritage.

Psalm 127:3


I do not create "Mistakes".

Do not err, my beloved brethren. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down fromrepparttar 126811 Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

James 1:16-17

© 2004 by Joyce C. Lock

Joyce C. Lock is a published author, poet, and columnist. In addition, she founded and maintains the e-mail ministries "Heavenly Inspirations" and "Share a Smile" . Joyce's writings encourage us in our relationship with God and each other.

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