Improving Cellular Communication With Glyconutrients

Written by David Lear

Continued from page 1

That’s how bad it can get when lines of communication get messed up between people andrepparttar important thing here is it’s basicallyrepparttar 135582 same thing with cells.

See, cells have ways they communicate with each other and when that system breaks down, important messages don’t get communicated, wrong message DO get communicated, and a lot of innocent cells get caught inrepparttar 135583 crossfire.

No one knew very much about any of this until 1999 whenrepparttar 135584 scientist, Günter Blobel, wonrepparttar 135585 Nobel Prize for discovering how all cells use protein molecules to communicate with other cells. Then, another important discovery was made: these sugar molecules we’ve been talking about play a very active role in this communication process between cells.

The bottom line is that science is now starting to recognize how important these little sugars or monosaccharides are for crystal clear cell-to-cell communication. So if you know that your body isn’t producing enough of these sugars because of your diet, and stress and pollution, it might make sense to start considering how to boostrepparttar 135586 amount of these sugars in your diet with glyconutrition supplements.

David Lear is an independent nutrition researcher and free-lance writer. His principal area of interest is glyconutritional dietary supplements. For further information, see

The Cost of Being Sick And One Possible Alternative

Written by David Lear

Continued from page 1

Looking Nick Webb’s facts and figures, it’s clear that insurance rates and healthcare costs are just spiraling torepparttar point where – already a lot of people are excluded and as time goes on here inrepparttar 135581 next 5 to 10 years, most people won’t be able to affordrepparttar 135582 insurance premiums which will, by that time, will amount torepparttar 135583 same as your average mortgage payment. Think about that. That’s huge.

But some of us are lucky – especially if we can see intorepparttar 135584 future. Not with ESP, but by being smart enough to be able to readrepparttar 135585 writing onrepparttar 135586 wall.

Now, assuming you CAN recognizerepparttar 135587 signs of danger, what can you do about it? That’srepparttar 135588 bottom line, isn’t it? What can any of us DO about it?

So that’s a good question. So, let’s look at some ofrepparttar 135589 options.

One option is that you can do nothing. I mean, you can just hope your health hangs in there and take your chances.

The other option is to take some action. Now, admittedly, up until recently there wasn’t much of anything you could do. But that changed ten years ago. It changed when a pharmacologist working forrepparttar 135590 drug industry stumbled onto one ofrepparttar 135591 most important health discoveries of our lifetime: glyconutrition.

I would highly recommend doing some research on glyconutrition because it’s probablyrepparttar 135592 best form of health assurance you can get.

My opinion is that, in today’s world of rising health costs, glyconutrition is one ofrepparttar 135593 most effective strategies available to you and your family.

David Lear is an independent nutrition researcher and free-lance writer. His principal area of interest is glyconutritional dietary supplements. For further information, see

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