Continued from page 1
5. Is
data compressed?
If you have a lot of data to back up you'll want to reduce
storage requirement and cost by having it compressed first. Don't underestimate how much you business or study material will grow!
6. Is
system informative?
Don't put your self in
position of "hoping it worked". Get some form of feedback that assures you it has.
7. Is
system flexible?
Make sure that
system is capable of backing up any file size or type. Don't get caught out by thinking you don't need much storage or
ability to save certain types of files.
8. Is it versatile?
Make sure
system has
versatility to deal with pda's and mobile phones. Also make sure that it has both automatic and manual back facility. You want
automatic feature for
benefit of set and forget, but you also want the, "back up my data now" feature so that you have
benefit of not having to worry through
time between finishing your thesis or proposal and knowing it is really secure.
9. Is it backed up more than once?
Don't rely on a system that only has one copy. Make sure that it has several copies stored on at least 2, preferably 3, off-site computers. Think virus! If your system is hit with a virus you can then go back to a file before
virus took a hold.

Ray Burton is an online marketer of resources, business opp's and training programs for those wanting to start and maintain an online presence. Visit his site at Get a full review of his recommended resource for data backup at © R. Burton. May 2005