Improve Your Mental Cognitive Abilities

Written by Uri Breshinski

Continued from page 1

Neurovar™ with Cognizin™ Improves Your Mental Focus Factor

Bill, a 55 year old VP of sales at a leading lighting manufacturer, used a product called Neurovar™ for 12 weeks. Neurovar™ contains Vitamin C, Cognizin, Ginkgo Biloba, Acetyl-L-Carnitine, Alpha GPC and other support nutrients. Bill states “I have more focus and seem to be more mentally sharp. At first I thought it was a placebo effect but over time I realized this product really works. I will continue using this product for its performance and protective properties.”

If you are looking for something preventative or something to improve mental performance and while easing inflammation, a quality supplement like Neurovar™ isrepparttar educated answer. Taking anti-oxidants can be a benefit to overall brain health but a more complete formula with multiple quality ingredients is recommended here. If products like Neurovar™ are too costly dorepparttar 135102 next best thing and use some ofrepparttar 135103 less expensive anti-oxidants. This option will provide some protective properties forrepparttar 135104 brain.

Uri is a leading practitioner in the study of cognitive degenerative diseases. He is presently undertaking a study on the effects of sleep deprivation and its cognitive effects on young adults as they physically mature into adulthood.

Why Daily Planning is So Important for Adults with ADD

Written by ADD Coach Jennifer Koretsky

Continued from page 1

2. Review Your To-Do List If you don't already use a to-do list, create one! Review it during each planning session so that you can see not only what you have to do, but also what you have actually accomplished duringrepparttar day.

Re-write your to-do list, removing completed items and adding things that came up duringrepparttar 135101 day. Moverepparttar 135102 most important and urgent tasks torepparttar 135103 top ofrepparttar 135104 list. Break large projects into 3-5 steps that all go onrepparttar 135105 list.

3. Review Your Calendar Take a look at your daily planner (you are using one, I hope!) See what appointments you have scheduledrepparttar 135106 next day. Block offrepparttar 135107 times in your planner, along with your travel time. Then, begin to schedule in time forrepparttar 135108 tasks on your to-do list.

Taking just 15 minutes a day to plan alleviates much ofrepparttar 135109 day-to-day stress of life with ADD, and helps adults move forward.

Jennifer Koretsky is a Professional ADD Management Coach who helps adults manage their ADD and move forward in life. She encourages clients to increase self-awareness, focus on strengths and talents, and create realistic action plans. To subscribe to Jennifer’s free email newsletter, The ADD Management Guide, please visit

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