Improve Search Engine Ranking with Correct Keyword Density

Written by Herman Drost

Continued from page 1

3. Select two or three of your most important keywords related to your business and try to use them 3-7 times for every 100 words in your web copy.

4. Incorporate these keywords or keyword phrases in your title, description meta tag, keyword meta tag, alt tags (words that describe your images) comment tags, heading tags and main text of your web copy.

Search engines will spiderrepparttar heading tags in your web copy first (H1, H2, H3) because these stand out from your main text.

5. Write your web copy so that it not only satisfiesrepparttar 124982 search engines but also is compelling enough for your web site visitors to read (don't make it sound weird to read or obvious you are just writing forrepparttar 124983 search engines). Repeat your keyword phrase or combinations of them every few sentences.

6. Write at least 250 words (or longer) for each of your web pages. Search engines will spiderrepparttar 124984 text nearrepparttar 124985 top ofrepparttar 124986 page, rather than atrepparttar 124987 bottom. Therefore include your keywords inrepparttar 124988 first 250 words on your page.

7. To avoid making your text hard to read, split your paragraphs into 2 or 3 sentences or make use of bullets.

8. Avoid using words that may be popular, but are not related to your site (i.e. sex). This will not improve your search engine ranking and will only frustrate your visitors who are searching for relevant content.

9. Keyword density analysis - use a keyword density analyzer to checkrepparttar 124989 keyword density of your web pages. This will tell you if you have used too many or too few words in your web copy.

10. Realize that not all search engines treat keyword densityrepparttar 124990 same. Some will only place significance on keywords in your title, meta tags and web copy. Google (the most important search engine), placesrepparttar 124991 most significance on keywords in your web page text.

Conclusion: Achieving optimal keyword density throughout your web pages, will dramatically improve search engine rankings, therefore boosting your web site traffic. Try will be pleasantly surprised!

Herman Drost is the author of the NEW ebook "101 Highly Effective Strategies to Promote Your Web Site" a powerful guide for attracting 1000s of visitors to your web site. Subscribe to his “Marketing Tips” newsletter for more original articles. You can read more of his in-depth articles at:

"5 Killer Linking Tactics To...Turbo-charge Your Website With Free Traffic!"

Written by Ewen Chia

Continued from page 1 = Make Use Of The Forums = Searchrepparttar engines for forums related to your business' targeted markets. Join these forums and participate actively!

Most discussion forums allow you to include your signature file with your posting. In your signature file, you should add your url withrepparttar 124981 prefix 'http://'. For example, I may list mine as -

Ewen Chia Web Marketing Secrets EXPOSED!

Everytime you post, you get your url published inrepparttar 124982 forums. Besides attracting fellow participants to your website, your posts get archived AND indexed byrepparttar 124983 search engines! This site has a list ofrepparttar 124984 major forums dedicated to different categories from internet marketing to general business. Check out this valuable resource - Sorepparttar 124985 truth is, you drive more traffic to your website everytime you participate inrepparttar 124986 forums. What fun!

= Make Use Of Testimonials =

Another great technique to get your url on other websites comes from giving honest feedback and testimonials.

Whenever you have a positive experience with a product or service, voice your thoughts! Write an email torepparttar 124987 webmaster and tell them how much you enjoy using their products. Tell them to publish your feedback as a testimonial on their websites.

All webmasters value testimonials as it adds credibility and enhance their product or service. More often than not, they would not hesitate to post your testimonial on their sites. All you've to do is request that a link back to your website be included!

= Make Use Of The Right Tools =

With many softwares and tools available to enhance your linking strategy, it's to your advantage to use them.

'Zeus - Internet Marketing Robot' from http://www.Cyber- comes recommended as THE software to use. Once set up,'Zeus' searchesrepparttar 124988 internet for specific reciprocal linking partners relevant to your website, in less time it takes to eat your dinner!

How about link exchanges? Join them if you want to find huge pools of ready webmasters for link exchanges. Read - a must!

Two great link exchanges to join -

Or checkrepparttar 124989 search engines for many other link exchanges.

Together now, say....

"We must link, we must link..." As an internet marketing tool, Linking WORKS bigtime and will pay off any effort you put in exponentially.

With this guide, you get a proven formula to do it well.

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See you atrepparttar 124990 top.

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