I’ll Win It For You

Written by Staci Stallings

Continued from page 1

The amazing thing to me when I really started thinking about this statement is that what that coach told his team is exactly what Jesus tells each one of us: “Go out there. Playrepparttar game. Have fun. Do your best, and I’ll win it for you.”

We think it’s all on us—that we have to get everything right, do everything perfectly, or our “win” will never materialize. In fact, we get sucked into this mentality that Heaven may be just out of our reach no matter what we do. However, I thinkrepparttar 123109 reality is that Jesus isrepparttar 123110 coach standing onrepparttar 123111 sideline having full faith that we can do everything He’s trained us to do. We can love just like He’s shown us. We can give; we can live—not because we can do it on our own but because He’s right there, and He has faith that we have been given everything we need to win through Him.

I’m sure you knowrepparttar 123112 end ofrepparttar 123113 story. Whenrepparttar 123114 buzzer sounded,repparttar 123115 team who had just gone out, had fun, and done their best was victorious.

One dayrepparttar 123116 final buzzer of your life will sound, andrepparttar 123117 question at that moment will be this: Did you allow Jesus to be your coach? Did you have faith that He would winrepparttar 123118 game for you—or are you still trying to win it yourself? It’s a question worth contemplating.

Sometimes life lessons surprise you. Princess. Visit http://www.stacistallings.com/PrincessC1.htm to read the first chapter.

17 Extraordinary Human Capacities

Written by Steve Brunkhorst

Continued from page 1

Giving time and effort to assist others to be successful showsrepparttar capacity for sincerity.

Being curious about life, its people and its mysteries, showsrepparttar 123108 capacity for learning.

Praying forrepparttar 123109 welfare of family, friends, and all of humanity showsrepparttar 123110 capacity for love.

Waiting for God's answer to a prayer showsrepparttar 123111 capacity for faith and patience.

Acceptingrepparttar 123112 answer to a prayer, whatever it might be, discovering its blessings, and then moving on showsrepparttar 123113 capacity for gratitude.

Believing in a God-given purpose throughout long and difficult seasons of scarcity showsrepparttar 123114 capacity for determination and hope.

Taking risks, making mistakes, and learning from all experiences showrepparttar 123115 capacity for being human.

Getting up after having fallen down or suffered failure showsrepparttar 123116 capacity for resolve.

Persisting resolutely to navigate life's rapids, scale its mountains, move beyond its perceived limitations, and arrive at its finish line with faith and dignity showsrepparttar 123117 capacity for achievement.

When we use our mental and spiritual capacities, our lives will be filled with more love, contentment, and achievement than we can imagine. When we cultivate a deep faith in a Power greater than ourselves, we never have to travel life's journey alone. There will be powerful sources of wisdom and guidance walking with us every step ofrepparttar 123118 way.

© Copyright 2004 by Steve Brunkhorst. Steve is a life success coach, and the creator of Achieve! 60-Second Nuggets of Inspiration, a popular mini-zine bringing great stories, motivational nuggets, and inspiring thoughts to help you achieve more in your career and personal life. Subscribe today by visiting Steve's site at http://AchieveEzine.com

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