Ignoring These Tips Could Result in an Inbox Full of Spam

Written by Anti Spam League

Continued from page 1

4) Remove your email address from your website. If you list or link to your email address, you can expect to be spammed. Thus, remove them wherever possible and use web-based forms instead. This will drastically cut downrepparttar amount of spam you receive if you have a website.

5) NEVER buy anything from a company that spams. Do not visit their sites or ask for more information from a spam email that you have received. In fact, not responding to spam isrepparttar 109505 single most effective way to not get scammed onrepparttar 109506 Internet.

6) Filter your email. Using spam filters is key to managing your email effectively.

7) Consider subscribing to a spam prevention service. Make sure that any software or system you select gives you control of which email you get and does not automatically erase messages. Also, safeguard your newsletter and discussion list subscriptions. If you, your ISP or web host use spam filters or white lists, be sure to let them know that you want to receive messages from any newsletters or discussion lists that you subscribe to.

8) Reportrepparttar 109507 spam to agencies that maintain statistics. Such agencies generally compile statistics that may be useful in setting policy. One trusted anti-spam organization where you can report spammers isrepparttar 109508 Anti-SPAM League. Learn how to become a member for free by visiting www.AntiSpamLeague.org.

9) Report fraudulent or otherwise illegal content to appropriate authorities. While fraud per se is an issue separate from spam, unsolicited email often contains offers for illegal or fraudulent products.

10) Contact your Internet Service Provider. Although this is unlikely to affectrepparttar 109509 amount of spam you receive since it is not their fault that their system was attacked from outside, ISPs want to know about spam attacks, either to learn how to protect their system, or to set policy.

11) Contactrepparttar 109510 sender's Internet Service Provider(s). Most ISPs inrepparttar 109511 world forbid their members to send spam. Therefore, if your complaint is valid, then there is a good chancerepparttar 109512 spammer will lose connectivity.

12) Demand restitution fromrepparttar 109513 spammer. If you continually receive spam from a single source, you have a right to demand repayment forrepparttar 109514 time and resourcesrepparttar 109515 spammer used.

13) Initiate legal action againstrepparttar 109516 spammer. This should be a last resort, as legal action is troublesome and expensive. However, well-executed legal action may do more than just get one spammer off your back: it may lowerrepparttar 109517 amount of spam onrepparttar 109518 Internet in general.

By forcing unsolicited and objectionable materials into our mailboxes, spam impairs our ability to communicate freely and costs Internet users billions of dollars annually. You do not have to put up with it: your best recourse is to protest to those who dump their trash on your disk drives! Organizations such as The Anti SPAM League give yourepparttar 109519 chance to report spamming companies and individuals and access valuable information on how to controlrepparttar 109520 spam problem. The Anti SPAM League serves as a resource to identify companies onrepparttar 109521 internet that are safe to do business with through its trust seal program. Also, to target which companies are trying to capture your personal information forrepparttar 109522 use of unsolicited mass marketing. Take a step forward inrepparttar 109523 battle against spam. Learn how to become a member for free by visiting www.AntiSpamLeague.org

The purpose of the Anti SPAM League is to help consumers and business owners reduce the amount of SPAM they receive. In addition, our Anti SPAM organization believes that educating site owners in the area of SPAM prevention and ways to successfully and responsibly market their sites, is key in making a difference.

Maximizing Email Security ROI: Stop Spam and Save!

Written by CipherTrust

Continued from page 1


Spam can force organizations to deal with lawsuits filed by employees for creating a hostile working environment. Spam containing pornography, insulting content or fraudulent phishing schemes can expose organizations that have not taken reasonable steps to combat such attacks. Employees unfamiliar with company policies may forward such content to fellow employees or even contacts outsiderepparttar company, resulting in sexual harassment or countless other liability lawsuits.

Each organization’s exposure to such lawsuits varies, but large awards torepparttar 109504 plaintiff are not uncommon when they do occur. In fact,repparttar 109505 October 2002 issue of TechRepublic states that “the average jury award against employers in [sexual harassment lawsuits] is $250,000. That amount often triples when attorney fees and litigation costs are added torepparttar 109506 mix.”

Reputation Cost

The cost of spam to a business’ reputation is equally difficult to define. The cost is nothing until something catastrophic—like a phishing attack—happens. The average individual victim of identity theft loses about $500, and businesses lose an average of $4,800. By allowing phishing and spoofing attacks into your business’ network, your organization is exposing itself, its brand and its employees to enormous risk. If your organization’s trademarks or brand are used in phishing attacks,repparttar 109507 cost to your company’s brand is estimated at between $100,000 and $150,000.

What You Can Do Now To Stoprepparttar 109508 Spam

Knowingrepparttar 109509 risks involved in spam isrepparttar 109510 first step to solvingrepparttar 109511 problem. CipherTrust’s FREE whitepaper, “Controlling Spam: The IronMail Way” describesrepparttar 109512 issues that put your email system at risk. Download it today to learn more about how you can stop spam, secure your email system, and protect your company and employees from email-borne threats.

Part II of this series will describerepparttar 109513 issues involved in determining ROI for anti-virus software and services as they apply to email.

CipherTrust is the leader in anti-spam and email security. Learn more by downloading our free whitepaper, “Controlling Spam: The IronMail Way” or by visiting www.ciphertrust.com.

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