If your child is being bullied - 20 top tips for parents

Written by Derek Randel

Continued from page 1
strategy, playing in a different place, play a different game, stay near a supervisor, look for new friends, join social activities outside of school. · Talk with your child's teacher. Make sure they are aware of what is going on. · Encourage your child to seek help from other school personnel. · Volunteer to help supervise activities at school. · Do not ignore your child's reports. Ignoring them sendsrepparttar wrong message. · Do not confrontrepparttar 110988 bully orrepparttar 110989 bullies' family. · Teach your child how to defend him or herself. · Teach self-respect. · Give numerous positive comments to your child. · Avoid labeling or name-calling. · Let your child know it is okay to express their anger. There are positive and negative ways to express anger, we want to teach and modelrepparttar 110990 positive ways. · Let your children stand up to you now and then. It makes it more likely they will stand up to a bully. · Stressrepparttar 110991 importance of body language. · Teach your child to use 'I' statements. · Teach positive self-talk. · Teach how to use humor, 'out crazy' them. For example, ifrepparttar 110992 bully says to Keith, "Hey, boy you're ugly." Keith can respond in a couple different ways: "Thanks for sharing" "Yes, I know, I always have been" "Yes, today's lunch was disgusting" then walk away. There is many other aspects of bullying to look at: Why your child isrepparttar 110993 victim, why people bully, what you child can do if he/she is bullied, signs your child is being bullied, whatrepparttar 110994 schools should be doing, handlingrepparttar 110995 school bus issues. All of these are addressed in The Shameful Epidemic, ­ How to protect your child from bullies and school violence. Visit www.stoppingschoolviolence.com to learn what is possible. There are solutions.

Derek and Gail Randel M.D. are parent coaches who have customized programs for corporations, schools, and parent groups. They can be reached at Parent Smart from the Heart, 1-866-89-SMART, www.parentsmartfromtheheart.com , www.stoppingschoolviolence.com or info@randelconsulting.com

Why I Love Country Living

Written by Rick Rouse

Continued from page 1

Living inrepparttar country means that I can get up at 8:00 inrepparttar 110987 morning and enjoy a leisurely jog down a deserted lane or simply sit on a riverbank under a huge shade tree with a fishing pole in my hand.

City folks haverepparttar 110988 convenience of a store on every corner. I get to enjoyrepparttar 110989 tranquility and peace of mind that results from watching colorful birds flitter around my lawn or deer grazing in my neighbor's pasture field.

Yes, I do enjoy my country lifestyle very much! Having spent much of my life living in various cities aroundrepparttar 110990 world, I can now enjoyrepparttar 110991 peace and tranquility of my country home. For me, a country lifestyle makes it easy to look forward torepparttar 110992 next day!

Rick Rouse is the owner of RLROUSE Directory & Informational Resources, which features hundreds of interesting and useful articles on a wide variety of topics. Visit him at http://www.rlrouse.com.

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