If you build a better website will the world beat a path to your door?

Written by James Winston

Continued from page 1

Search engine optimization is good. Do it. Search Engines are very unpredictable. Today you are inrepparttar top10, tomorrow you don’t show up in a search. They change their styles for obvious reasons. Yet you should still put some good relevant keywords in your meta tags and throughout your pages. If you show up atrepparttar 141789 top for awhile you could still make some money.

Promote yourself and your website. Tell people about your business. Hand out business cards. Hand out some flyers. Put your website address on your car bumper, some T-Shirts and any where else you could think.

Bottom line , build a better website and try to get people onrepparttar 141790 path to your door.

If you’re looking for the *Best Rated* home business opportunities, the latest time saving tools and helpful support from an honest friend in the business, James Winston ,come by and grab a F-R-E-E subscription today at: http://www.kazaams.com

Marketing Students: 5 Guidelines For Your Final Paper

Written by Otilia Otlacan

Continued from page 1

Build your paper

You do not have to reviewrepparttar whole documentation before you start to layrepparttar 141605 bricks of your paper. Usually, such works are done usingrepparttar 141606 "top-down" strategy, meaning you start withrepparttar 141607 major lines and then you developrepparttar 141608 minor ones. You can compare this strategy withrepparttar 141609 action of drawing a tree: you might want first to drawrepparttar 141610 tree trunk, thenrepparttar 141611 major branches, you will draw then some smaller branches growing fromrepparttar 141612 big ones, and atrepparttar 141613 end you drawrepparttar 141614 leaves and flowers.

Therefore, once you are clear withrepparttar 141615 subject andrepparttar 141616 basics of your paper –repparttar 141617 trunk ofrepparttar 141618 tree, you can start organizing your chapters –repparttar 141619 major branches. Generally, you wont have less than 3 main chapters and more than 6 – 7: remember your paper has to offer a valuable content but inrepparttar 141620 same time it has some space limits (for example you could be told not to exceed 70 pages includingrepparttar 141621 appendix and graphics).

As you go on with your documentation, you will probably feelrepparttar 141622 need to reorganizerepparttar 141623 chapters and subchapters several times – this isrepparttar 141624 way of any good writing, so don't be afraid of doing it as long as you stick to your subject and your chapters are part of a whole, "flowing" one from each other. Consult with you supervisor for any major changes, and ask directions if you feelrepparttar 141625 documentation is overwhelming, it becomes difficult to discern fromrepparttar 141626 large amount of information and you feel like losing your coherency.

As a future Marketing professional, creativity is a basic skill as well as analytical thinking: you should prove them by including your own comments, opinions and conclusions uponrepparttar 141627 subject and not limit yourself to present only what other people said. Be critical to yourself and to others. Don't be afraid to bring out your own vision – that's what countsrepparttar 141628 most!

Writing style

Your paper is an academic piece of work, and so it should look and feel like. Give a lot of attention to your writing style:

- language issues – keep an academic and formal style, with no colloquial expressions and no slang terms. Be very precise and avoid hypes (yes, yes, we know it's hard to do it especially when you're a Marketing or Advertising professional-to-be) and irrational use of superlatives ("the best", "the greatest", "the most"… ). For a professional look, avoid using vague expressions such as "some authors say…", be specific and precise! A common mistake is to assume some things are obvious or known: no, they're not obvious to everyone, so you have to justify your statements (okay… except maybe if you're saying that "1 1

Otilia is a certified Marketing consultant with expertise in e-Marketing and e-Business. She developed and teach her own online course in Principles of Marketing (http://class.universalclass.com/emarketing). You can contact Otilia through her Marketing resources portal at http://www.teawithedge.com

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