Identity Theft – Impacting Your Taxes?

Written by Richard A. Chapo

Continued from page 1

False Tax Filings

It doesn’t take much to file a tax return. What’s to stop an identity thief from filing one under your name to generate a refund? Nothing. To generaterepparttar maximum refund, you can be all kinds of frivolous deductions will be claimed. After all, it will be you that has to attendrepparttar 149637 audit.

What Can I Do?

If you receive a notice fromrepparttar 149638 IRS that leads you to believe someone may have used your Social Security Number fraudulently, you should notifyrepparttar 149639 IRS immediately. Indicators can be found in notices fromrepparttar 149640 IRS that state:

1. More than one tax return for you was filed, or

2. IRS records indicate you received wages from an employer unknown to you.

Don’t hesitate or be nervous about contactingrepparttar 149641 IRS. The agency knows this is a growing problem and not an “opportunity” to pound on taxpayers.

Richard Chapo is with Business Tax Recovery - Obtaining tax refunds for small businesses for overpaid taxes. Go to our article section to discover tax strategies and deductions.

Parenting Adolescents & Young Adults

Written by Maggie Vlazny, MSW, LCSW

Continued from page 1

As teens grow and change, parents need to be fluid. The parents must be able to change their rules, parenting methods, and ways of relating, in order to encourage teen autonomy. And they must do this without totally relinquishing parental guidance and control. If parents lose their control,repparttar result is an adolescent who is out of control. The trick is to strikerepparttar 149636 proper balance between setting limits and allowing increasing independence at each stage ofrepparttar 149637 child's developmental process.

The years of adolescence can be hard on all involved, but with love and careful guidance,repparttar 149638 transition can be a time of growth forrepparttar 149639 whole family.

College kids and other young adults often have a really tough time during this period of transition. And so do their parents. Anxiety runs high for everyone now that its time to lay down a path towardrepparttar 149640 future. Parents want to be sure thatrepparttar 149641 destination is visible, safe, and secure. Kids want time to figure out where they want to go.

It might help to know thatrepparttar 149642 majority of people do not arrive into young adulthood with all their life decisions already in place. Now isrepparttar 149643 time when they have finally leftrepparttar 149644 nest and are just beginning to spread their wings. That heady feeling of flight understandably distances them fromrepparttar 149645 ground andrepparttar 149646 flight pattern is unpredictable. Parents, take heart. This isrepparttar 149647 normal life cycle developmental task of separating fromrepparttar 149648 family. A simultaneous developmental task is creating a new, age appropriate connection withrepparttar 149649 family. It will all happen in due time.

Common issues for parents of young adults are: Kids' financial dependence upon them while hearing declarations of independence. The young adult who opts out of college. Parental inability to let go, as evidenced by constant phone calls, visits, and worrying. This hasrepparttar 149650 effect of clippingrepparttar 149651 bird's wings... Conflicts when he or she makes brief visits home from college--so many people to see in so little time! What about us??? Re-adjustment to living together again during summer vacations. Difficulty negotiating a new, age appropriate connection withrepparttar 149652 young adult. Lack of control overrepparttar 149653 young adult can feel terrifying to some parents.

Common issues for young adults are:

All ofrepparttar 149654 above...withrepparttar 149655 added challenges of forming new friendships, learning to have mature, intimate relationships, doing well in school or work, and establishing goals forrepparttar 149656 future.

If your child is not in school, you may feel like a failure. You are not, and neither is he or she. You do not ever want to convey that message because it will cause unimaginable damage to your child's soul. It will also become a self fulfilling prophecy. Which brings me to my favorite question, anyway: How do you define success? Does success mean acquiring wealth? I personally don't think so, but I'm inrepparttar 149657 minority. I define success as being my own authentic self (not what people or society expect me to be) doing work that I love, and living with someone that I love. It's that simple. And that difficult. But I can tell you thatrepparttar 149658 people I know who agree with my definition of success, and make it happen, tend to berepparttar 149659 happiest people I know.

Maggie Vlazny is a Certified Stepfamily Counselor, Certified Imago Therapist, and Certified EMDR Therapist. Her practice is in Florham Park, NJ. This is a mother-daughter practice. As a team, they are able to combine their strengths to offer you the care most suitable to your needs. They offer comprehensive services to traditional and non traditional individuals, couples, and families.

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