Identity Theft. You are not Immune.

Written by David Wilding

Continued from page 1

A new law has been put onrepparttar books byrepparttar 111856 Congress to help combatrepparttar 111857 losses. It allowsrepparttar 111858 you,repparttar 111859 consumer to request a free credit report fromrepparttar 111860 credit agencies once a year. You should not hesitate to take advantage of it. However,repparttar 111861 law has a rollout feature which does not allow full access for all Americans until September 1 of this (2005) year.

While this is a step inrepparttar 111862 right direction, in typical fashionrepparttar 111863 government continues to leaverepparttar 111864 populace exposed. You should access your credit report much more often than once a year. If an identity theft takes place just after receivingrepparttar 111865 free credit reports, an enormous amount of damage can be done before you can review your next free report.

The Federal Trade Commission has put together a list of questions and answers concerning this new law andrepparttar 111866 effect it will have on your credit report and your risk of identity theft. They can be helpful to you in determining your rights underrepparttar 111867 law

It makes sense to check your reports regularly, as often as, on a monthly basis. This may seem a bit much to you, but just ask a person who has had their identity stolen how much hassle it is to take your life back. They will tell you it is well worthrepparttar 111868 effort. Let’s face it, no one cares as much as you, about your credit record, andrepparttar 111869 damage that identity theft could cause in your life.

(c)2005 David Wilding

David Wilding has for the past ten years worked with groups and individuals to rid their lives of debt. Visit his site for more ideas, tools, and strategies for becoming debt free.

Credit Card Debt Elimination

Written by Gary Gresham

Continued from page 1
If you are concentrating your bill paying efforts on one bill at a time, then you should still pay at leastrepparttar minimum onrepparttar 111855 others. Once each bill is paid redirect your resources torepparttar 111856 next bill so your credit card debt elimination can become a reality. A tip that some have been successful with is contacting creditors to ask for a lower interest rate. Even if most creditors say no what if some of them say yes? The interest savings to you will multiply your credit card debt elimination efforts and save you money. It's worth a few phone calls and your time to try this. One last tip is, if you choose to close your credit card accounts, do not close them until afterrepparttar 111857 bill has been paid. Some credit card companies often will penalize you by raising interest rates if you close an account that carries an outstanding balance. The most important thing to remember is to begin your plan right now. Think of how you will feel when you are finally free of high credit card interest. The sooner you start,repparttar 111858 sooner your ultimate goal of credit card debt elimination can be accomplished.

This article is supplied by where you will find credit information, debt elimination programs and informative facts that give you the knowledge to correct your own credit and credit report. For more credit related articles go to:

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