Identity Theft

Written by Radha Khalsa

Continued from page 1

Thank you, eBay Services.

Those that responded torepparttar eBay email were taken to a look alike site where their information was stolen.

Some people have received an email fromrepparttar 118716 IRS stating that they are conducting an e-audit and thatrepparttar 118717 recipient has 48 hours to supply their Social Security number and their bank account numbers. The IRS does not notify people of audit by email, nor do they conduct e-audits.

If you receive a suspicious request for personal or business information, callrepparttar 118718 company using their customer service number and verifyrepparttar 118719 request. When you make payment or provide sensitive information, checkrepparttar 118720 domain address. Look for https, instead of http, atrepparttar 118721 beginning ofrepparttar 118722 web address. Be sure to always monitor your credit card and bank statements for suspicious charges.

If you feel you have been a victim of fraudulent scams, contact your local police and file a complaint withrepparttar 118723 FBI andrepparttar 118724 FTC.

You can also protect yourself with insurance. Farmers, Travelers and Chubb insurance are offering identity theft insurance for a nominal fee.

MARKETING COORDINATOR and WEBSITE DESIGNER-Radha Khalsa, has extensive experience in the areas of marketing analysis, strategic planning and project management.

Email Spam and Phishing

Written by Radha Khalsa

Continued from page 1

The primary motivation behind these emails is identity theft. Scammers are looking to get you to their website and get your information. Ifrepparttar authenticity ofrepparttar 118715 sender is questionable, callrepparttar 118716 company that sentrepparttar 118717 email. Most business email will also contain a phone number.

Earthlink is trying to address this problem by releasing new software. Its latest anti-spam software is available to both members and non-members. The software installs with Internet Explorer and automatically downloads a list of known “scam” websites. If you surf over to a site onrepparttar 118718 list, you will receive a warning.

Givenrepparttar 118719 large volume of unsolicited email that must be sorted through and deleted daily by businesses, do not rely on email as your primary vehicle of communication. Ifrepparttar 118720 information is time sensitive, it’s best to follow up with a phone call.

MARKETING COORDINATOR and WEBSITE DESIGNER-Radha Khalsa, has extensive experience in the areas of marketing analysis, strategic planning and project management.

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