I wanted to be rich

Written by Birmingham UK

Continued from page 1

Don’t fall for it. If it was so good then whyrepparttar hell are they even having to tout for business? If it is so inspirational and fool proof then how come so many fools have to part with their own money? If it was so darned successful then why on earth would you want to run off and tell everyone about it? Why wouldn’t you want to keep it to yourself and quietly earn a fortune from it. The fact ofrepparttar 103522 matter is – you pay for it, not them and if you are unsuccessful then its not their fault – you just never cutrepparttar 103523 mustard!

Unfortunately we can all get sucked in by similar ploys and crass advertising by hyper maniacs who leap around being ultra positive and cheesy with their get rich quick schemes which somehow always seem to need your money in order for them to work? Call them to account and you will be accused of being negative. That’srepparttar 103524 way they operate.

Next time you see a similar advert just smile and walk on. A fool and their money are soon parted. Don’t feedrepparttar 103525 hyper bullshit – keep your money in your pocket!


From the writers of www.birminghamuk.com

Are You ISO Auditor-Phobic?

Written by Chris Anderson

Continued from page 1

Manage with Unarguable Evidence

But I asked myself, why these teachings? Why do you need unarguable evidence, and why isn’t our best guess good enough? It’s because I saw that without unarguable evidence, we will manage byrepparttar seat of our pants and just argue back and forth our subjective opinions instead of discovering what is factually true. We will never accomplish anything with certainty, and we could dorepparttar 103521 wrong thing that could set you back even further.

Measure Performance Improvement

But as with anything,repparttar 103522 proof is inrepparttar 103523 pudding, so what arerepparttar 103524 results? Inrepparttar 103525 class, I saw numerous examples proving that managing by objective evidence leads to better and higher performance. And this leads to measurable improvement ofrepparttar 103526 whole system. Simple yet complex. Complex yet simple.

Conduct Your Own Audit

In a nutshell, if you’re only going to take one inrepparttar 103527 next few months to help improve your job and company, I’d highly recommend an Internal Auditor Skills Class. You will come away withrepparttar 103528 knowledge to conduct an internal audit and improve your company’s system. And, maybe more importantly, you can face your fears – and hopefully avoid Aunt Sally’s mold.

Chris Anderson is co-author of policies and procedures manual products, producing the layout, process design and implementation to increase performance. He is currently the Managing Director of Bizmanualz, Inc. Visit: Bizmanualz, Inc.

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