I Was a Hippie

Written by Robert Bruce Baird

Continued from page 1

‘The flower children and groupies are not often willing to dorepparttar work that many business types and academics have done. I have found what I think of as independent thinkers (Which isrepparttar 140669 main characteristic of a Hippie, I think.) in all social groups or walks of life. Michel Foucault and his students atrepparttar 140670 Sorbonne or Pierre Trudeau and Jean-Paul Sartre and his beau are established thinkers ofrepparttar 140671 genre. This book andrepparttar 140672 work required of any forum seeking change will try to explore why they are so unable to get a larger audience to actually takerepparttar 140673 ethics they speak about and apply them in real world changes.

I will have to get pastrepparttar 140674 Hegelian Being-ness and other confused Neo-Platonic rhetoric torepparttar 140675 nuts and bolts of Gothic ideas and historical agendas again. I guessrepparttar 140676 cultivation of positive emotions can assist in a therapeutic manner which will enable people. But wishful-thinking alone will not solve much ofrepparttar 140677 ethical issues borne through constant power-mongering or people needing to fight each other for more of that elusive and fictional One Pie. Let us strive to reduce any cherished illusions of our history if they do not standrepparttar 140678 test of common sense forrepparttar 140679 good of all people. It may turn out to be an exploration ofrepparttar 140680 sublime inter-connectiveness and I hope I will be fair in seeingrepparttar 140681 positives that Machiavelli andrepparttar 140682 likes of Carlyle can offer real thinkers inrepparttar 140683 present as well.’

Author of Diverse Druids and e-books available at World-Mysteries.com including one with this title. Columnist for The ES Press Magazine

"Natures Fireworks" - A Guide to OPAL - Pt 1 Myths, Legends and Folklore

Written by Stuart Bazga

Continued from page 1

"Long, long agorepparttar Wangkumara people decided to send a pelican (Muda) to explorerepparttar 140540 Northern Territory, so he could return and tell them what was there. After a time, while still in Queensland,repparttar 140541 pelican felt ill and landed on top of a hill. While resting,repparttar 140542 pelican observedrepparttar 140543 ground beneath him, amazed by its magnificent array of colours. Being curious he began to peck atrepparttar 140544 coloured stones with his beak. Suddenly, a spark flew out and lit dry grass nearby. The flames rose and spread across long distances, approaching a group of Wangkumara who were camped near by. The people were able to cook their meat and fish forrepparttar 140545 first time, grateful for this new gift brought by these precious stones"


Throughout history, early cultures credited opal with magical properties, believing it to possessrepparttar 140546 healing properties of allrepparttar 140547 gemstones, due to its multitude of colours.

The ancient Greeks believedrepparttar 140548 opal gaverepparttar 140549 wearer protection from disease and was a sought after gem for its gift of prophecy and foresight. Greek astrologers, mediums and soothsayers also usedrepparttar 140550 stone for divination. As well as its mystical significance and psychic vision properties, opal was also thought to aid in digestion, stomach disorder, and to cure all disease associated withrepparttar 140551 eyes. It was believed that when a person was to suffer a minor illness,repparttar 140552 stone became dull and grey; it would turn a sickly yellow when an injury or accident was about to occur.

Superstitions associated with opal continued throughoutrepparttar 140553 Middle Ages, when opal was widely believed to be beneficial to eyesight, while others thought wearing opal would renderrepparttar 140554 wearer invisible torepparttar 140555 eye. It was for this reason thieves held opal in such high regard, using it as their symbol, due to this superstition. Blond haired women wore necklaces of opal to protect their hair from loosing its colour, while opal amulets were worn to attract happiness, love, good fortune and favour.

Inrepparttar 140556 19th century, opal was considered unlucky in Europe, due torepparttar 140557 plot of a popular novel ofrepparttar 140558 time written by Sir Walter Scott, while in Asia it has always been considered to bring loyalty and hope torepparttar 140559 wearer.

this concludes part 1. In part 2, we discover where opal is mined aroundrepparttar 140560 world. You will be surprised at some ofrepparttar 140561 locations.

I hope you have enjoyed reading part 1 and I look forwrd to your company again in part 2.

best wishes and have a great day

Stuart Bazga

Kulpunya Opals

I started Kulpunya Opals several years ago to provide the UK and Europe with a specialist supply of opals.

We import directly from key suppliers in Australia with whom we have developed strong and long-term relationships.

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