I See...I Must...I Will: Three Key Words To Help Us Live Exceptional Lives

Written by Lee Wise

Continued from page 1

Intorepparttar spotlight reserved for those who survived years and years of training forrepparttar 130456 purpose of receivingrepparttar 130457 honor they deserve.


Right Vision + Strong Conviction + Determination = Focused, Exceptional Living

And of course that spells "influence" in great big capital letters.

Think about it:

The power of living an exceptional life isrepparttar 130458 power of influence.


May I encourage you to hold on torepparttar 130459 positive, well thought through "visions" you have entertained overrepparttar 130460 years?

And to pay attention torepparttar 130461 feelings inside of you that say, "This must be done"?

Mayberepparttar 130462 timing is not right... for now. Maybe it shouldn't happen... just yet.

Or possibly it should! It could berepparttar 130463 time for determination to takerepparttar 130464 stand and cause you to makerepparttar 130465 first step towardsrepparttar 130466 accomplishment your vision.

Orrepparttar 130467 second. Orrepparttar 130468 third.

I don't know -- but chances are you do.

Yours for a day filled with beautiful moments in time,


------------------------------- Lee is a seminary administrator, has a part-time business at home, and writes two motivational ezines: "A Beautiful Moment In Time" and "Hope For Daily Living." Permission is given to distribute article. This paragraph must be included. Email: Lee@seariches.net Link: http://www.motivation-for-daily-living.net

Lee is a Seminary Administrator, has a part-time home business, and enjoys writing two family friendly ezines that are motivational in nature.

Create Your Own Positive Memories Legacy

Written by Lee Wise

Continued from page 1


The terrible price of disgrace.

Letrepparttar thought of disgrace prevent you from foolish words and actions.

Disgrace rarely -- if ever -- travels alone.

A mother A father A family A business And even a nation...

Can feelrepparttar 130454 imprint of just one person's disgraceful words, attitudes and actions.

Remember this -->

Today's pleasure often disguises tomorrow's disgrace.

Or you could say it this way:repparttar 130455 disgrace of tomorrow often comes wrapped in a deceptively beautiful package with a tag on it that reads "the pleasure ofrepparttar 130456 moment."


ONE: Gatherrepparttar 130457 right kind of wealth.

Something to think about: what real value is there in gaining wealth without respect? Why not seek to gain both?

Gain wealth *and* respect.

*Wealth alone doesn't earnrepparttar 130458 respect of wives, husbands, or children!

*Wealth alone doesn't earnrepparttar 130459 respect of team members, students or work associates.

Remember: Success without respect is not success.

TWO: Plan to leave an "inheritance of great value" to those you love.

All of us would love to leave a solid financial inheritance to those we love.

But there's more: we can strive to leave them...

*The heritage of a good name. *A strong spiritual heritage. *A strong emotional heritage.


What does your heart say? What isrepparttar 130460 *most* important treasure you desire to leave with others?

"My most important treasure I want to leave with others is... ______________________________________________________


"I am working hard at leaving that treasure by...



Yours for a day filled with beautiful moments in time,


------------------------------- Lee is a seminary administrator, has a part-time business at home, and writes two motivational ezines: "A Beautiful Moment In Time" and "Hope For Daily Living." Permission is given to distribute article. This paragraph must be included. Email: Lee@motivation-for-daily-living.net Link: http://www.motivation-for-daily-living.net

Lee is a Seminary Administrator, has a part-time home business, and enjoys writing two family friendly ezines that are motivational in nature.

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